
2022-05-28 15:27:02



  独立写作:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Movies and television programs should present stories in which good people are rewarded and bad people are punished.

  综合写作Reading: large animals’ extinction 如mammoth human's overkill lead to extinction:

  1. North American 到达这个地方与大型哺乳动物的灭绝是at the same time.2. 大动物以前没有遇到过predator,他们vulnerable更有利于移民来的人去kill.3. 只发现有大动物的死的痕迹,没有发现小动物死的痕迹。

  Listening: the speaker totally refused the passage she believe that there is no relationship between the extinction of large mammals in the north America and human hunting, instead she thinks that the extinction was caused by other factors such as climate change

  1. the same time between the extinction and human establishment does not necessarily mean human hurting results in the extinction of those animal around 11000 years ago was a global phenomenon, they became extinct even in those places where no people lived.

  2. No food preservation skills at that time could all human being to keep meat for a long time, thus, people only killed what they could eat, and therefore it is impossible for human to kill all the large mammals to make them extinct. People always move frequently at that time so they did not kill large animals at one place to make them become extinct.

  3. Not only large mammals became extinct at that time, small animals such as some kinds of birds also became extinct at the time.



  T3.学校要减少一个art 什么的课的人数,理由是人太多造成教授的attentive受到影响,另一个就是费用比较高。一男一女两个同学讨论,男问女的看法,女同学说很不开心,这个课很重要,less attentive is better than do not have any class at all,对于花费高她说这个也不是个好理由,这课真的很重要,所以即使要掏钱学,很多人会pay for it. 复述女孩的态度

  T4.【课文要点】:product positioning(产品定位)。文章介绍了商家promote宣传商品的一个途径:advertiser need to知道目标客户target customers最需要的what they exactly they need。

  【教授举例】:教授举了一个例子。他曾worked in an advertisement agency as a consultant。为一个car business market一款专为在郊区生活的人设计的car。一开始销售状况不好。后来商家做研究。研究表明消费者最看gas mileage。Commuters(住在郊区要开车进城上班的群体)need cars which can save more gas。所以广告公司就这样设计广告:让一个人一路微笑地with a big smile on face开着这个牌子的车从suburban到city,驶过一个个加油站gas station旁呼啸而过。路过的每个station里都有很多人排队等待加油。广告末尾:your spend money on gas。这则广告说明开这种车很省油。结果,这种car成功地在两年里销量tripled了。

  T5.【学生困难】:女生导演的音乐剧将于明晚首演。票已卖光were sold out,但主唱leading singer临时得了重感冒caught a bad cold,喉咙不好,甚至不能讲话voice。故不能参加演出performance。要下周才能好。

  【解决方案】:男生给女生方案1、找个新演员代替find a understudy to replace him。女生说那人刚开始学歌词lines,还没怎么练习过,没有充分准备,怕明晚的首演opening night太紧张nervous,把音乐剧搞砸了。女生自己说出方案2、把音乐剧推迟到下周末postpone to next weekend举行。给买了票的观众退票return money。让他们下次演出时买票。女生担心这样做会让观众失望disappointed。

  T6.讲广告。教授说一种广告是让大家记住商品名字。然后讲了 How to do it and why it is important to 记住商品名字(问题就是让你总结这个) How:repeat the name over and over again, show the name on the screen of the TV example:一个洗衣机叫 “quick washing”Why:(2 点)1. people are likely to buy sth. they know the name of 2.把产品的名字和 advantages 要对上号,不然消费者光知道 advantages 但不知道是哪个东西有这些优点也白搭啊。问题是:广告的作用是什么,为什么让顾客知道 name 很重要?


  T1.What do you think is the most important advancement over the past 20 years in your country? Use reasons and specific examples to explain why you think that is important.

  T2.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The most important lessons cannot be learned in classrooms. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.


  1.讲了operant conditioning,通过展现负面后果来组织这种行为。例子说教授的学生以前上课喜欢打断别人说话,不举手就发言,于是下课后教授就让他留在教室不许出去玩,后来上课这个学生就懂得规矩了。当然他表现好时教授也会向他微笑给予鼓励。





  L2:关于一个很老的天文学家,叫hipp什么的,他发明了一种理论用于确定star catalog, 说星星的位置会变,因为地球的轨迹是椭圆的,这个理论就是用于研究这个的。后来这个理论lost了。后来发现了一个sculpture, 是一个人顶着一个球,这个球上有很多星座,经研究,这个球上星座的位置和那个理论的时间很近,而且这个球证明观测的位置在希腊。所以大家认为这个球来自于那个人的理论。后来又说近期发现了一首诗,和前面的东西好像有矛盾,所以教授说了几句话,有考教授这些话imply什么。

  L3:epic theater: 创造这种theater的人提倡theater能解决社会问题,他的方法比较有特色。比如他如果在当时要以global warming为主题的话,他的theater当中的global warming不是发生在现在的,是发生在离audience时代比较远的之前。这样的话让audience感觉theater里的内容跟他们关系不那么紧密,从而他们可以有更客观的看法。epic theater还有个特色是它一直在提醒audience他们是在看一个theater, 为达到这个目的有一些方法(有题)。后来还谈到很多technic。

