
2022-06-13 00:47:37



  第一篇conversation,一个交换生reserve了一个place,then finding that the place isapartment rather than dorm. the student wants to live in a dorm.She didn't realize there is any difference between them inapplication. then balala... sorry I forget.

  听力passage记不起来了,但是记得最清楚的是 把 arid看出acid直接大致略过此项,其实这个就是答案。哎,两道题都是这个。单元真的是acid, 因为这个是将澳大利亚reintroducegrass which has two advantages over native weep, one is havingdeeper root, the othe is surviving in the drought weather. sodrought and arid are synonyms. I hope there is a typo in thelistening material rather than a miscatch.
