
2022-06-09 01:01:32

  s1 想要做的volunteer job

  s2 work in office setting or work at home

  s3 university wants to cancel poetry writing class because of the declining enrollment of student; students who want to attend that class can go to State University ...

  boy disagrees

  1. small class is actually worth taking, get more attention from prof.

  2. not convenient to go to State University on bus...


  releaser--> stimulate instinctive reaction of animal;

  eg: an animal feeding on worms will attack worm-liked object: pencil

  goose will protect egg-shaped object


  girl wants to attend eco class of a XXX prof; she has 4 classes more to reach the requirement of grad; too much classes thus may not keep up;


  1. audit eco class--> won't learn much without paper blabla

  2. leave class for another time --> other plan for summer vacation: full-time job


  majority influence:informational influence: drive a group of people to somewhere but don't the way; you-->turn left; majory-->straight; you finally go straight and give up your own answer;

  normative influence: desire to be accepted by the group; you go to see a film with friends; you think it sucks; your friends think it is good; you finally say it is good because you want to be a part of the group.
