问题:男生的 sister 生了小宝宝,但是他的驾照丢了
解决办法 1:坐巴士,但是今天的巴士已经离开了,只能坐明天的,而且必须马上返回,没有更多的时间与家人相处
解决办法 2:等下周新驾照申请好再开车回去,但是又要等一周,男生等不急要看到自己的小侄子
The man is going to …. However, he …. (mention the problem)
There are two solutions to solve his problem, one is to…. The other is to…
From my perspectives, the first/second solution is a better choice because, firstly, … Secondly,….
The man is going to pay a visit to his sister who just give birth to a baby. However, he lost his driving license. There are two solutions to solve his problem. One is to take a bus, the other is to drive until the driving license is ready. From my perspectives, the first solution is a better choice because, firstly, if he insists to drive, it would take him another week to wait to see the baby, but he can’t wait to see the baby. Secondly, it is hard to say whether his driving license can be ready after a week. There may be a delay if something atypical happens