
2022-05-21 10:10:28




  小说节选:从一个Miss Grace Spivey的学生的视角讲述Miss Grace Spivey作为一个well-traveled的女性在1938年初次来到Georgia的一个城镇Threestep时的场景,首段讲到了Spivey对于月份的评论irritate那些热情迎接这位新教师到来的人群,后文讲到Spivey本人的教育经历,以及和Ralphord的互动,高潮部分在于她与Professor Dewey的偶遇对于她教育理念的影响以及这种理念在课堂中的应用。


  The Conundrum: How Scientific Innovation, Increased Efficiency, and Good Intentions Can Make Our Energy and Climate Problems Worse

  Hybrid cars, fast trains, compact florescent lightbulbs, solar panels, carbon offsets: everything you've been told about being green is wrong. The quest for a breakthrough battery or a 100 mpg car is a dangerous fantasy. We are consumers, and we like to consume greenly and efficiently. But David Owen argues that our best intentions are still at cross-purposes to our true goal: living sustainably while caring for our environment and the future of the planet. Efficiency, once considered the holy grail of our environmental problems, turns out to be part of the problem-we have little trouble turning increases in efficiency into increases in consumption.David Owen's elegant narrative, filled with fascinating information and anecdotes, takes you through the history of energy and the quest for efficiency. Owen introduces the listener to some of the smartest people working on solving our energy problems. He details the arguments of efficiency's proponents and its antagonists-and in the process overturns most traditional wisdom about being green.This is a book that will change how you look at the world. Scientific geniuses will not invent our way out of the energy and economic crisis we're in. We already have the technology and knowledge we need to live sustainably. But will we do it? That is the conundrum.



  本篇主要讲一个new transit system一定要以促进私家车的减少为基础,提到了为了缓解suburban sprawl问题,政府不应该让人们的通勤变得更快更便利,反而交通堵塞却会有一定的environmental value, 然后解释了背后的原理,进行了总结(大城市如何进行转移--乡村的扩张),文章最后进行了强调,交通本身才是环境问题,只有控制私家车数量才是治本的方案(permanent solution)。



