
2022-05-19 13:19:47


  Section 2

  1. The aroma of the freshly baked bread was so ------ that we were tempted to buy three loaves.

  A. enticing

  B. unruly

  C. convenient

  D. fabricated

  E. generic


  so/such A that/as to B 的结构中A与B为同义关系或感情态度一致,所以从tempted“(被)吸引,诱惑”,可看出空格为对aroma的正向评价,因此答案为A选项 enticing “吸引人的”。


  吸引,使…着迷:allure, appeal, spellbind, captivate, enchant, bewilder, entrance, enthrall

  2. Muddy Waters ------ a generation of musical ------: they imitated his innovative playing style and eventually solidified his reputation as a blues pioneer.

  A. emulated .. followers

  B. chastised .. contenders

  C. resisted .. paragons

  D. fostered .. critics

  E. inspired .. disciples


  首先要了解冒号后的they指代的是第二空的复数名词,his指的是Muddy Waters这个人,所以从 imitated “模仿” 可看出第二空可以在followers“追随者” 和 disciples “信徒” 中选择,再从最后的pioneer“先锋” 可看出第一空是一个起 “促进,鼓励,支持”作用的动词,可在fostered“促进”和inspire“鼓励”中选择。所以最后选择E选项。


  祖先,先锋,先驱:ancestor, antecedent, forerunner, forebear, harbinger, precursor, predecessor, progenitor, vanguard, avant-garde

  3. In these mountains, the ------ stature of plants testifies to the inhibiting influence of ------, often buffeting, winds.

  A. small .. constant

  B. diminutive .. imperceptible

  C. typical .. moderate

  D. considerable .. intermittent

  E. giant .. destructive

  解析:A testifies to B的结构中A为B的结果,所以第一空是 inhibiting influence“抑制性的影响”的结果,所以第一空只有small 和 diminutive“小的”可选,第二空是对winds的修饰且能够导致inhibiting influence, 所以只能选择A选项constant“恒定不变的”,不停地有buffeting“猛烈的”风在吹,使植物长不大。

  4. Some of the guests were positively ------, speaking disrespectfully to their host and generally exhibiting deplorable manners.

  A. bemused

  B. cursory

  C. forlorn

  D. incoherent

  E. uncouth




  粗鲁的,无礼的:boorish, churlish, impudent, insolent, rude

  5. The economist had a reputation as ------; his colleagues liked to tease him that he ------ recessions because he looked for trouble.

  A. a maverick .. expected

  B. an ogre .. disregarded

  C. an alarmist .. foresaw

  D. an indigent .. downplayed

  E. a scholar .. enjoyed


  第二空是这题的突破口,空格前的he指的是economist“经济学家”,空格后的recession一般表示“后退,退化”,而根据本题的语言环境表示“(经济)衰退,不景气”,对应because后的trouble,所以第二空对应look for“期待,指望”,只能在expected和foresaw中选择。再根据后半句中的tease“取笑”可以看出同事对他持嘲笑态度,第一空应该填一个值得嘲笑并且自找麻烦的人,所以选择C选项alarmist“危言耸听者”。整句意思为:这个经济学家被认为总是危言耸听;他的同事经常取笑他,说他预测经济会衰退是因为他总盼着出点乱子。


  危言耸听的,骇人听闻的:senSATional, lurid

  6. Initially ------ by some shortsighted members of the scientific community, Barbara McClintock was ultimately ------ when she received a Nobel Prize in 1983 for her groundbreaking research in genetics.

  A. repudiated .. abjured

  B. immortalized .. exonerated

  C. rebuffed .. vindicated

  D. derided .. ostracized

  E. eulogized .. substantiated


  第一空为shortsighted members(目光短浅者)对Barbara McClintock作的动作,应为负向动作,所以可在repudiated“否认”、rebuffed“拒绝”和 derided“嘲笑”中选择。根据received a Nobel Prize可判断第二空为正向动作,所以选C选项的vindicated“证明…正确”。

  7. the city councilwoman was devoted to ------ principles, for she believed that all her constituents deserved equal rights and privileges.

  A. sectarian

  B. egalitarian

  C. authoritarian

  D. diplomatic

  E. bureaucratic


  空格对应……deserved equal rights and privileges“……应得同等权利与特权”,所以选C选项egalitarian“平等主义者”。

