6 月的第一场考试中,听力并没有难为大家,听力大多是 17 年或者 16 年的老题,比如普遍认为比较难的艺术史 lecture Conceptual Art 实际是重复 2017.5.6 及 2016.12.11 的真题,所以考生们平时按照正常难度备考,应对考试就可以啦。
6 月的第一场考试中,听力并没有难为大家,听力大多是 17 年或者 16 年的老题,比如普遍认为比较难的艺术史 lecture Conceptual Art 实际是重复 2017.5.6 及 2016.12.11 的真题,所以考生们平时按照正常难度备考,应对考试就可以啦。
Niagara County Community College
Victor Valley College
Austin Friars St Monica's School
Manukau Institute of Technology
Sarah Lawrence College
Chaminade College Preparatory School
Michigan Technological University
Westmont College
Dabney S. Lancaster Community College
Greater Atlanta Christian School
American River College
University of Maine at Augusta
Southbank Institute of Technology
The University of Utah
Ringwood Secondary College
Paul Quinn College
Art Center College of Design
Warren County Community College