
2022-05-26 02:27:01


  PART 3

  Discussion topics:

  Discussing problems with others

  Example questions:

  Why is it good to discuss problems with other people?

  Do you think that it’s better to talk to friends and not family about problems?

  Is it always a good idea to tell lots of people about a problem?

  Communication skills at work

  Example questions:

  Which communication skills are most important when taking part in meetings with colleagues?

  What are the possible effects of poor written communication skills at work?

  What do you think will be the future impact of technology on communication in the workplace?


  Discussing problems with others

  Why is it good to discuss problems with other people?

  1. 要点提示:To find a better solution/ improve efficiency.

  2. 结构提示:When people discuss they exchange different ideas and opinions, so the team can have a relatively complete understanding of the problem or the situation. And then they may work out a better solution to deal with the problem. That’s the biggest advantage of discussing problems with other people I believe.

  Do you think that it’s better to talk to friends and not family about problems?

  1. 要点提示:Yes/ No. Friends or parents know you better/ same age

  2. 结构提示:I don’t think so. Actually I believe your family always have your back and people, especially children or students, should talk to family about problems more. That’s mainly because most people grow up with their family, and their parents or siblings know them better. When discussing problems with their family, people are more likely to receive positive feedback and support, sometimes even good suggestions.

  Is it always a good idea to tell lots of people about a problem?

  1. 要点提示:Yes/ No. advantages and disadvantages of it and reasons.

  2. 结构提示:May be not. Sometimes problems are so big, so serious, that common people have no idea what to do to solve these problems, and a better way can be find out the exactly right people to help you. For example, when a college student has a really big problem with his girlfriend, maybe they are going to break up. What he should do is not to tell the whole world he loves her, but to have a discussion with her girlfriend or her girlfriend’s roommates to find out the key point.

  Communication skills at work

  Which communication skills are most important when taking part in meetings with colleges?

  1. 要点提示:Listening/ eye-contact/ body language/ patience and reasons.

  2. 结构提示:Being a good listener is one of the best ways to be a good communicator. No one likes communicating with someone who only cares about putting in her two cents and does not take the time to listen to the other person. If you're not a good listener, it's going to be hard to comprehend what you're being asked to do. Also, don’t talk too much or too little. Try to convey your message in as few words as possible; this will help you to avoid confusing your audience.

  What are the possible effects of poor written communication skills at work?

  1. 要点提示:Misunderstanding/ lower work efficiency/ cause other problems.

  2. 结构提示:Poor written communication skills may lead to misunderstanding, which will probably cause serious problems. Employees may take wrong action when they receive unclear written instructions. All these things will raise costs. It’s not only about money, but also about time and opportunities.

  What do you think will be the future impact of technology on communication in the workplace?

  1. 要点提示:New ways to communicate/ details or advantages of this technology.

  2. 结构提示:Communication means expressing ideas and feelings, and we mostly use verbal language or characters, like emails or letters, to communicate. But we may have the ability to send messages directly by our brains and others can also receive our messages by their brain, like brain waves. So people may easily and fully understand each other.

