
2022-05-24 09:04:50


  1. 把准考证提前打印好,可以多打印几分,避免在最后时刻带来不必要的麻烦,出发去考场前请再次检查考试证件是否带齐,包括准考证、有效的港澳通行证或者带有本人签字的护照。

  2. 检查下准考证名字和护照(或港澳通行证)名字拼音是否一致:First Name是名(拼音),Last Name是姓。

  3. 考点名称和考场代码一定要打印最新的,且一定要小心,很多考场的名称非常像,千万别走错。

  4. 熟悉考场环境,要不要去踩点?取决于你是不是去过这个考点。如果是自由行,万人坑之类的大考点,以及尖沙咀附近的考点,原则上路都比较清晰,不需要提前一天晚上踩点。但天水围附近的小考点,尤其是SAT Subiect考点,可能路名之类的都是模糊的,这可能需要你踩点。

  5. 注意饮食,考前一天和考试当天早晨注意不要吃太油腻或者“特别”的食物。

  6. 准备适宜的衣物,避免着凉。香港近几天有阵雨,考生们出门记得带好相应的雨具哦。

  7. 保证睡眠质量,考前一晚需要保证睡眠质量,切忌过度兴奋或焦虑,做好心理调整,实在睡不着的同学可适量听听音乐以舒缓身心。


  a. 准考证

  b. 身份证明证件

  c. 铅笔&橡皮

  d. 计算机

  e. 手表

  f. 食物

  d. 衣物

  1. 严格意义上讲,能放在桌面上的只有铅笔、橡皮、准考证、护照和计算器。听清准考老师要求(有时候要放下去,有时候要放在桌面上),一般情况下,卷笔刀、闹钟、水、食物都不可以放在桌面上,只能放在椅子下。但也有一些考场不管。

  2. 所有的填写都只需要铅笔,没有任何地方需要用到圆珠笔或水笔。原则上讲,铅笔是指定No.2的,也就是中国的HB,但你想用深一点的涂圈(2B的)也可以。但不要用活动铅笔,准考证上明令禁止用活动铅笔,而且它也不方便涂圈。再一个就是带两块好用的橡皮。

  3. 可以发声音的东西都禁止使用,不管是闹钟、计算器还是手表,必须静音。电子设备必须上缴(香港大多数考场会发塑胶袋,其他一些考场,比如澳门和新加坡的考场。会让你关机放在包里,包放在指定的角落)。手表可以带,但不可以是Apple Watch之类的手表。

  4. 具有存储功能、特殊声音、需要电源或可打印等复杂功能的计算器不可带入考场。考试时只有在做数学可使用计算器部分的时候可以把计算器放在桌上,在写作文或做阅读部分时,会要求把计算器放在地上或监考老师指定的位置。(没带计算器的不能向别人借)

  5. 考试很考验体力,期间有部分同学会体力不支,肚子饿,口渴。考生们可带一些零食充饥,另外只能休息期间场外用,切记。




  1. 关于考试规则的指令

  01.Please switch off your cellphone andother electronic devices, including electronic watches that have alarms. If anyunnecessary noise heard is from you, you may be considered disqualified.


  02.If you, for any reasons, want to cancelyour score, please do so by...Any later requirements regarding cancelation ofyour score will not be entertained. Details can be found on the official sat WB..


  03.You are allowed to put only pencils, ICand other necessary stuff on the table. Please leave your bag in front of yourrow. Please do so now.


  04.Please note that you are only allowed touse calculator for the Math sections. If you are attempting sections other thanMath, please place your calculator on the floor beside your table. Please notethat all the Math questions can be done without a calculator.


  05.Please check that whether there is anyerror regarding your name, address and other particulars. If so, please come upto fill in... form.


  06.Please note that there is time limit forevery section. You are not allowed to cross section.If any invigilator find youdoing so, your may be disqualified.


  07.There will be breaks allocated inbetween the sections.


  08.Is everything understood?Anyquestions?If you want to go to the bathroom now please do so now as nobody isallowed to go to the bathroom until the first rest from then.


  2. 考试过程中的指令

  01.You have 5 minutes left for section1/2/3·····



  02.Time is up. Please put down you pencil.Close you answer sheet and test paper. For the next section, if that is a Mathsection you may use your calculator, if not, please leave the calculator on thefloor. You will have xx minutes to finish this section. Please turn to sectionxx and start now.



  03.Now, please turn to the last page of theanswer sheet and keep your question paper closed. Please copy the statement incurvy handwriting and sign your name below.


  04.Time is up. Please put down you pencil.Close your answer sheet and test paper. Insert your answer sheet into your testpaper. Now you have a 5 minutes break. You may make your way to the bathroom.Please do not talk along the corridor. Anybody who is found to be discussingthe questions or release the questions may be disqualified. You should returnby the time ... Please note that this is the last break and you will not haveany break until the test ends. If you want to go to the toilet during anysection after this break, one of the invigilators will accompany you to thetoilet. You may go now.



  05.Now you have finished your test. Pleasedo not release any of the test information and essay question until the ... isreleased. Please collect your stuff and make sure you have left nothing behind.You may leave now.


