Brighton College 院校信息
Brighton College的一个团队将于今年9月前往曼谷、吉隆坡、上海和新加坡,在9月18日星期二进行面试。
报名截止英国时间:9月7日5.00 pm GMT
Final reminder for candidates wishing to apply for 2019 entry, assessments will take place between Monday 17th September and Friday 12th October.
A team from Brighton College will be travelling to Bangkok, Kuala Lumpur, Shanghai and Singapore this September to conduct candidate interviews on Tuesday 18th September.
Registration will close at 5.00 pm GMT on Friday 7th September.
Year 9: please forward school reports (advising date of birth) to Joanna Miller ().
Years 10: please forward school reports (advising date of birth) to James Morrish ().
Years 12: please forward school reports (advising date of birth) to myself ().
Years 7 and 8: families relocating to the UK in 2019 and interested in a day place, please forward school reports (advising date of birth) to Kathryn de Carvalho ().
For Year 12 candidates currently attending a UK school, who wish to attend the Sixth Form Assessment Day in November at Brighton College, please forward school reports (and date of birth) to James Morrish ().
英国第一事业部 高端资深顾问全球留学网
公司地址:北京市建国门外大街永安东里米阳大厦5层(地铁一号线 永安里站C出口右转五十米 米阳大厦5层)