
发布日期:2023-01-30 20:27:55 阅读:1566


Why choose the UK as an international study destination?

How much does it cost?


Entry clearance & immigration regulations


 Why choose a UK education? Rather than others


Multicultural UK-英国是个多元文化交融的国家,据统计,每年有超过50万的国际留学生在英国学习高等教育以上的课程,如果算上其他所有课程的话,这个数字可以达到60万人。这些学生里包含了各个大洲,超过200个国家的留学生。走在路上,随处可以见各种肤色的人们,在英国这个学术包容性极强,肤色人种俱全的国度里,展开你的学习毫无疑问是一件值得发自内心感到激动的事情。


当然了,学术课程之余,英国真的是一个值得你花时间去探索的国度-英国有超过2000家的博物馆和艺术画廊:从你听过的the British Museum(大英博物馆),Madame Tussaud's(杜莎夫人蜡像馆),到你可能没听说过的Tate Modern(泰特美术馆),Jorvic Viking Centre in York(约克维京中心) ,再到让全世界看过电影的人魂牵梦绕的Titanic Belfast,全球最大的泰坦尼克号体验中心,以及泰坦尼克号出发的Southampton港口…


除了英国本土外,因为英国距离欧洲各国都的物理距离都是很近的,所以想利用几个假期玩遍欧洲也是很容易的,最后,引用一段BC Agent Training描述欧洲旅行的话,结束今天的话题:


Students can easily and inexpensively travel to other European countries for education or pleasure to make the most of their spare time. It’s never been easier to travel around the UK and continental Europe. Thanks to the Channel Tunnel(海底隧道), they can board a train in London and be in Paris or Brussels in a few hours. Frequent and efficient air services also connect major UK cities with many European destinations. In just over an hour, you could fly from Manchester to Amsterdam, Cardiff to Paris or Gatwick to Berlin…