When you apply to UC San Diego, you must choose a college. Your choice will not affect your chances of admission to the university or the majors you can pursue, but it will affect your General Education requirements, coursework, and opportunities outside of your major.选择哪个学院不影响录取概率,只是影响通识课程能选择什么样的课程而已。
College assignment is not based on major. Students select from the full range of majors regardless of College
Review the statements below and the General Education requirements of each college, then rank the colleges from 1 (you most want) to 6 (you least want) based on how much each matches your interests。 学生需要根据自己的喜好把6个学院进行排序。
UCSD总共有6个学院:Revelle、Warren、Muir、Marshall、ERC、Sixth。学院没有高低优劣之分,差异只是General Education不同、宗旨不用、组成人员不同而已。
Revelle offers a traditional liberal arts general education curriculum with courses from many academic disciplines inside and outside of your major to help students become well-rounded scholars.
Muir advocates individual choice and active involvement in your four year-long general education sequences from broad lists of academic disciplines to support your independent spirit.
Marshall directs growth as a scholar and citizen through general education courses designed to raise awareness and understanding of the diversity of cultures in contemporary American society.
Roosevelt focuses on development as a global citizen through general education courses that build your awareness and understanding of histories, customs, ideas, problems and aspirations of peoples around the world.
Sixth concentrates its general education requirements on developing ethical integrity, creativity, self-understanding, critical reasoning, and appreciation of the powers and implications of science and technology.
如下是学生的点评,供对此学校有兴趣的学生参考 。
Warren理工科学生比较多,因为engineering老巢就在Warren。该学院地处学校东北面,宿舍比较偏僻,建筑物以红色为主,很有中国感觉。Engineering Building到处种植了下坠的巨型三角梅,非常漂亮。此学院的食堂别的一般,水果沙拉很赞。
Revelle,最早的学院,在学校西南角。宿舍内部空间是我见过最大的,而且其他学院住不下的都安排到Revelle来住(尤其是Warren)。食堂一般,学院内有独 立的Library,化学课building在这里,离Gym很近。PS: 应某人要求写上,revelle宿舍原来是海军住的,故来revelle的同学可以体验下军旅生活(这有关系么?)。。。
Marshall,在学校东部,里中心很近。食堂很好而且不贵,名字不错哦,叫Oceanview,确实傍晚十分在Oceanview外面吃饭看日落是挺有感觉的。Economics老巢所在地,所有活动的接人处--Perterson Hall的所在地)
Muir , 在学校东部,离中心很近。食堂比较贵,不过个人觉得炒面着实好吃啊,Math & Applied Science老巢的所在地,据说有轻松的GE,不过也有人不认同。
ERC, 在学校西北部,是酒店级学院,为何这么说?夜夜笙歌,party不断,住宿条件上乘,有独 立的电脑房和图书馆,international house的所在地,一般学院residencial hall很小,common space空间不足,但是ERC的很大,正式上课前我们天天在大厅玩三国杀、真心话大冒险,很high。每幢宿舍楼下都有厨房,这也是别的学院没有的。至于食堂,有人说很好吃,我觉得种类不够多。此外,此学院宗旨是全球化,international student很多,GE写作是MMW(俗称摸摸我,make the modern world),第一学期据说在上人类起源,还有MMW5\6之类的有出国学习机会。PS:我真的没有贬低ERC的意思啊。。。这么social的地方,很能融入美国生活的。。。
Sixth College,最新的学院,从名字上就能看出来。在学校的东南面,离别的学院都很远。GE名叫CAT(Cultural, Art and Technology),听着名字感觉不错啊,但是上起来有点崩溃,一直让你读和写关于物品的东西,不过每个老师上课内容不同,课很有趣。言归正传,Sixth的Res hall不怎么样,但是Apartment真是超好超好,而且平时没有ERC夜夜笙歌的吵闹,是片学术的净土,不过这也导致我们Sixer不够social,可谓利弊皆有吧。反正我是感觉生活在sixth最好,想玩跑ERC就好。