500 Old Farms Road, Avon, CT 06001
埃文农场中学Avon Old Farms School学校概况
Avon Old Farm School创建于1927年,是一所传统私立寄宿制男校,招收9到12年级的男生。学校占地1000亩,位于康涅狄格州的埃文镇与哈特福德相距12英里。学校提供优良的住宿环境,配套设施完善。学校的学生来自30个州和12个国家,国际生比例约为13%。学校的使命是培养聪颖、正直、敢于追求真理的男生。
埃文农场中学Avon Old Farms School学校详细介绍
学校为学生提供精彩的大学预科课程,包括进阶课程和16 门AP 课程。学校占地面积1000英亩,拥有科技大楼、校园网络、冰上曲棍球场、网球场、图书馆、剧院、艺术楼等。
学校除了对学生进行基本学科的教育,还十分注重培养学生良好的学习习惯,使之能学会面对各种学业中的挫折。同优秀又有经验的教师,合理安排的学习时间,自学与指导相结合的学习方法使得美国埃文老农场中学成为众多家长和学生理想的选择。学生课外生活丰富多彩。学校有37 支体育队,15 支跨校体育队。
学校占地1000亩,设施包括:教学楼、体育馆、学生活动中心、足球场、图书馆、游泳馆、食堂、艺术中心等、剧院、宿舍楼等。是一所传统的寄宿男校,成立于1927年,位于康涅狄格州的雅凡镇,占地面积1000英亩,校园环境优美,绿草如茵,与Miss Porter中学为姊妹学校。距柏德雷国际机场24公里,离哈特佛德市14公里。学校以亲近社区,学生友好,建筑美观而享有盛名,拥有科技大楼、校园网络、冰上曲棍球场、网球场、图书馆、剧院、艺术楼等。班级规模一般为12人。
埃文农场中学Avon Old Farms School大学录取情况
University of Strathclyde
City Colleges of Chicago-Harold Washington College
Gould Academy
Marine Military Academy
Fanshawe College
University of Memphis
Peru State College
North Brookfield Junior/Senior High School
St. Joseph Central Catholic School
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
California State University Channel Islands
Corban University
Central Catholic High School
Saint Louis University
Northwestern Oklahoma State University
Kents Hill School
Victor Valley Christian School
Institute of American Indian Arts
Vanguard College Preparatory School
Le Moyne College
University of Strathclyde
City Colleges of Chicago-Harold Washington College
Gould Academy
Marine Military Academy
Fanshawe College
University of Memphis
Peru State College
North Brookfield Junior/Senior High School
St. Joseph Central Catholic School
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
California State University Channel Islands
Corban University
Central Catholic High School
Saint Louis University
Northwestern Oklahoma State University
Kents Hill School
Victor Valley Christian School
Institute of American Indian Arts
Vanguard College Preparatory School
Le Moyne College
University of Strathclyde
City Colleges of Chicago-Harold Washington College
Gould Academy
Marine Military Academy
Fanshawe College
University of Memphis
Peru State College
North Brookfield Junior/Senior High School
St. Joseph Central Catholic School
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
California State University Channel Islands
Corban University
Central Catholic High School
Saint Louis University
Northwestern Oklahoma State University
Kents Hill School
Victor Valley Christian School
Institute of American Indian Arts
Vanguard College Preparatory School
Le Moyne College
University of Strathclyde
City Colleges of Chicago-Harold Washington College
Gould Academy
Marine Military Academy
Fanshawe College
University of Memphis
Peru State College
North Brookfield Junior/Senior High School
St. Joseph Central Catholic School
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
California State University Channel Islands
Corban University
Central Catholic High School
Saint Louis University
Northwestern Oklahoma State University
Kents Hill School
Victor Valley Christian School
Institute of American Indian Arts
Vanguard College Preparatory School
Le Moyne College
University of Strathclyde
City Colleges of Chicago-Harold Washington College
Gould Academy
Marine Military Academy
Fanshawe College
University of Memphis
Peru State College
North Brookfield Junior/Senior High School
St. Joseph Central Catholic School
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
California State University Channel Islands
Corban University
Central Catholic High School
Saint Louis University
Northwestern Oklahoma State University
Kents Hill School
Victor Valley Christian School
Institute of American Indian Arts
Vanguard College Preparatory School
Le Moyne College