芝加哥城市学院(CCC)已经发展成为伊利诺伊州最大和美国最大的社区学院系统之一。芝加哥城市学院拥有5800名教师和工作人员,每年有120000名学生在7个学院和6个卫星站点。 芝加哥城市学院位于整个城市,交通极为便利,7个学院包括:芝加哥城市学院杜鲁门学院(芝加哥)、 芝加哥城市学院奥利弗哈维学院(芝加哥)、芝加哥城市学院哈罗德华盛顿学院(芝加哥)、芝加哥城市学院肯尼迪国王学院(芝加哥)、芝加哥城市学院马尔科姆学院(芝加哥)、芝加哥城市学院里查德达利学院(芝加哥)及芝加哥城市学院威尔伯赖特学院(芝加哥)。 芝加哥城市学院提供提供了超过300个项目,授予为期两年的副学士学位,一、两年的技术文凭和短期技术文凭与证书。芝加哥城市学院还向伊利诺伊州的商业和工业社会提供培训与技术援助。
Avondale College
Shawnigan Lake School
American Advanced Technicians Institute Corporation
Eastern Maine Community College
Cathedral High School
Neosho County Community College
Marymount College
Whitworth University
Vatterott College - Spring Valley Campus
Bellevue University
Reed College
East Mississippi Community College
Whitman College
Dakota Wesleyan University
San Francisco Art Institute (San Francisco)
Charles Wright Academy
Trinity Lutheran College
Wentworth Institute of Technology
The Ohio State University,Columbus
Victor Valley College
Avondale College
Shawnigan Lake School
American Advanced Technicians Institute Corporation
Eastern Maine Community College
Cathedral High School
Neosho County Community College
Marymount College
Whitworth University
Vatterott College - Spring Valley Campus
Bellevue University
Reed College
East Mississippi Community College
Whitman College
Dakota Wesleyan University
San Francisco Art Institute (San Francisco)
Charles Wright Academy
Trinity Lutheran College
Wentworth Institute of Technology
The Ohio State University,Columbus
Victor Valley College
年均学费12000 美金
Avondale College
Shawnigan Lake School
American Advanced Technicians Institute Corporation
Eastern Maine Community College
Cathedral High School
Neosho County Community College
Marymount College
Whitworth University
Vatterott College - Spring Valley Campus
Bellevue University
Reed College
East Mississippi Community College
Whitman College
Dakota Wesleyan University
San Francisco Art Institute (San Francisco)
Charles Wright Academy
Trinity Lutheran College
Wentworth Institute of Technology
The Ohio State University,Columbus
Victor Valley College
Avondale College
Shawnigan Lake School
American Advanced Technicians Institute Corporation
Eastern Maine Community College
Cathedral High School
Neosho County Community College
Marymount College
Whitworth University
Vatterott College - Spring Valley Campus
Bellevue University
Reed College
East Mississippi Community College
Whitman College
Dakota Wesleyan University
San Francisco Art Institute (San Francisco)
Charles Wright Academy
Trinity Lutheran College
Wentworth Institute of Technology
The Ohio State University,Columbus
Victor Valley College
Avondale College
Shawnigan Lake School
American Advanced Technicians Institute Corporation
Eastern Maine Community College
Cathedral High School
Neosho County Community College
Marymount College
Whitworth University
Vatterott College - Spring Valley Campus
Bellevue University
Reed College
East Mississippi Community College
Whitman College
Dakota Wesleyan University
San Francisco Art Institute (San Francisco)
Charles Wright Academy
Trinity Lutheran College
Wentworth Institute of Technology
The Ohio State University,Columbus
Victor Valley College