纽约市立大学史丹顿岛学院全称纽约市立大学史丹顿岛学院CUNY--College of Staten Island也有人叫纽约市立大学 - 史德顿岛学院,史丹顿岛学院,纽约市立大学史德顿岛学院,纽约城市大学史丹顿岛学院,CUNY - College of Staten Island (Staten Island),成立于1955,是一所规模中型(10000-14999)的公立教学型综合大学
纽约市立大学史丹顿岛学院是纽约市立大学系统下属的一个分校园。纽约市立大学最早的历史可以追溯到1847年。1961年,经过纽约州立法会的批准,纽约市立大学系统成立。目前,其下属包含了11所高级学院、6所社区学院、1个研究生部、1个法学部、1个医学部。因此,纽约市立大学系统是美国最大的都市学院系统,也是美国第3位的大学。 纽约市立大学史丹顿岛学院是由两所学院于1976年正式合并组成。一所是理查蒙德学院,该学院成立于1965年,主要提供本科3、4年级的教育和少量的研究生教育。另外一所是成立于1956年的史丹顿岛社区学院,该学院是一所社区学院,主要提供大学1、2年级的教育。两所学院的合并,形成了优势的互补,也成为了今天的史丹顿学院。
Avondale College
Shawnigan Lake School
American Advanced Technicians Institute Corporation
Eastern Maine Community College
Cathedral High School
Neosho County Community College
Marymount College
Whitworth University
Vatterott College - Spring Valley Campus
Bellevue University
Reed College
East Mississippi Community College
Whitman College
Dakota Wesleyan University
San Francisco Art Institute (San Francisco)
Charles Wright Academy
Trinity Lutheran College
Wentworth Institute of Technology
The Ohio State University,Columbus
Victor Valley College
Avondale College
Shawnigan Lake School
American Advanced Technicians Institute Corporation
Eastern Maine Community College
Cathedral High School
Neosho County Community College
Marymount College
Whitworth University
Vatterott College - Spring Valley Campus
Bellevue University
Reed College
East Mississippi Community College
Whitman College
Dakota Wesleyan University
San Francisco Art Institute (San Francisco)
Charles Wright Academy
Trinity Lutheran College
Wentworth Institute of Technology
The Ohio State University,Columbus
Victor Valley College
年均学费14978 美金
Avondale College
Shawnigan Lake School
American Advanced Technicians Institute Corporation
Eastern Maine Community College
Cathedral High School
Neosho County Community College
Marymount College
Whitworth University
Vatterott College - Spring Valley Campus
Bellevue University
Reed College
East Mississippi Community College
Whitman College
Dakota Wesleyan University
San Francisco Art Institute (San Francisco)
Charles Wright Academy
Trinity Lutheran College
Wentworth Institute of Technology
The Ohio State University,Columbus
Victor Valley College
Avondale College
Shawnigan Lake School
American Advanced Technicians Institute Corporation
Eastern Maine Community College
Cathedral High School
Neosho County Community College
Marymount College
Whitworth University
Vatterott College - Spring Valley Campus
Bellevue University
Reed College
East Mississippi Community College
Whitman College
Dakota Wesleyan University
San Francisco Art Institute (San Francisco)
Charles Wright Academy
Trinity Lutheran College
Wentworth Institute of Technology
The Ohio State University,Columbus
Victor Valley College
Avondale College
Shawnigan Lake School
American Advanced Technicians Institute Corporation
Eastern Maine Community College
Cathedral High School
Neosho County Community College
Marymount College
Whitworth University
Vatterott College - Spring Valley Campus
Bellevue University
Reed College
East Mississippi Community College
Whitman College
Dakota Wesleyan University
San Francisco Art Institute (San Francisco)
Charles Wright Academy
Trinity Lutheran College
Wentworth Institute of Technology
The Ohio State University,Columbus
Victor Valley College