745 Main St, Fryeburg, ME
福莱伯格中学Fryeburg Academy学校概况
Fryeburg Academy(福莱伯格学院/弗赖堡学院/中学/高中)成立于1792年,位于缅因州Mount Washington Valley的一个小镇Fryeburg。学校环境清幽,距离缅因州主要城市波特兰约一个小时的路程,是一所著名的大学预备学校。学校既有小镇的魅力,也兼具国际性锐利的眼光,提供各式各样的课程和课外的活动,以此来开阔学生的眼光。学校为了让学生顺利接受美国教育,对国际学生开设ESL课程,甚至一对一的教导或小班制的教学,来提升学生的学习能力。学校拥有完善学习及住宿设施,校园占地广阔,四周大树林荫。电脑中心提供电脑及最新软件供学生使用,所有电脑均连接快速上网线路。图书馆内拥有过万册藏书,并与区内大学有紧密联系。
福莱伯格中学Fryeburg Academy学校详细介绍
Fryeburg学院位于在一个典型的新英格兰乡村,在华盛顿山和白山的山麓里。 学校是一个真实的社区,为进入者提供归属感,为驻留者提供支持。 学校接近海洋,河流,湖泊,滑雪区和750000英亩国家森林。这里每个季度的户外活动都非常丰富。
设施主要包括主教学楼、Eastman科学中心(包括5间全新的科学实验室)、科学楼、图书馆、工业艺术中心、音乐楼和一个50,000平方英尺的运动场地等设施教室、行政教室、Mattson 学生中心、LaCasce 餐厅。此外,还有顶楼天文观测台及暗房。
福莱伯格中学Fryeburg Academy大学录取情况
University of Maine(缅因大学)、University of Massachusetts(马萨诸塞大学)、University of Michigan (密歇根大学)、University of Michigan (密歇根大学)、Northeastern University(东北大学)、New York University(纽约大学)、University of California,Santa Barbara (加州大学)、Carnegie Mellon (卡内基梅隆大学)、Dartmouth University(达特矛斯大学)
University of Strathclyde
City Colleges of Chicago-Harold Washington College
Gould Academy
Marine Military Academy
Fanshawe College
University of Memphis
Peru State College
North Brookfield Junior/Senior High School
St. Joseph Central Catholic School
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
California State University Channel Islands
Corban University
Central Catholic High School
Saint Louis University
Northwestern Oklahoma State University
Kents Hill School
Victor Valley Christian School
Institute of American Indian Arts
Vanguard College Preparatory School
Le Moyne College
University of Strathclyde
City Colleges of Chicago-Harold Washington College
Gould Academy
Marine Military Academy
Fanshawe College
University of Memphis
Peru State College
North Brookfield Junior/Senior High School
St. Joseph Central Catholic School
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
California State University Channel Islands
Corban University
Central Catholic High School
Saint Louis University
Northwestern Oklahoma State University
Kents Hill School
Victor Valley Christian School
Institute of American Indian Arts
Vanguard College Preparatory School
Le Moyne College
University of Strathclyde
City Colleges of Chicago-Harold Washington College
Gould Academy
Marine Military Academy
Fanshawe College
University of Memphis
Peru State College
North Brookfield Junior/Senior High School
St. Joseph Central Catholic School
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
California State University Channel Islands
Corban University
Central Catholic High School
Saint Louis University
Northwestern Oklahoma State University
Kents Hill School
Victor Valley Christian School
Institute of American Indian Arts
Vanguard College Preparatory School
Le Moyne College
University of Strathclyde
City Colleges of Chicago-Harold Washington College
Gould Academy
Marine Military Academy
Fanshawe College
University of Memphis
Peru State College
North Brookfield Junior/Senior High School
St. Joseph Central Catholic School
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
California State University Channel Islands
Corban University
Central Catholic High School
Saint Louis University
Northwestern Oklahoma State University
Kents Hill School
Victor Valley Christian School
Institute of American Indian Arts
Vanguard College Preparatory School
Le Moyne College
University of Strathclyde
City Colleges of Chicago-Harold Washington College
Gould Academy
Marine Military Academy
Fanshawe College
University of Memphis
Peru State College
North Brookfield Junior/Senior High School
St. Joseph Central Catholic School
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
California State University Channel Islands
Corban University
Central Catholic High School
Saint Louis University
Northwestern Oklahoma State University
Kents Hill School
Victor Valley Christian School
Institute of American Indian Arts
Vanguard College Preparatory School
Le Moyne College