布莱诺大学(Brenau University)建立于1878 年,位于美国佐治亚州亚特兰大市西北部蓝岭山脚下的盖恩斯威尔市, 是美国南方的著名学府。作为佐治亚州最古老的希腊式贵族学院, 学校里的许多建筑仍保留着100 多年前的风貌。 建成于1897 年的Pearce 礼堂自1987 年就被誉为“国家级历史遗址。”该校前身是佐治亚州女子神学院,于1900 年变更为布莱诺大学,早期为私立贵族女子学校,与历史名人宋美龄女士就读的卫斯理学院并称为南北两大贵族学院,虽然目前男女学生都有,但布莱诺大学至今仍保留了女子学院这一优良传统教育模式。学校教育质量严谨,注重对学生实行个性化精品教育。可以为学生提供包括30 多个专业的传统教育,学生可以充分享受布莱诺大学提供的精英教育,以及安全舒适的教学和生活环境。布莱诺大学是经中国教育部首批认可的美国百所著名高校之一。
Fayetteville Technical Community College
Shawnee State University
University of Calgary
Norwich University of the Arts
Victoria University Secondary College
Delaware Technical Community College
Westwood College of Technology Anaheim
Peninsula College
Southern Wesleyan University
Pakuranga College
Bishop Miege High School
Saint Louis University
Cedarville University
Notre Dame Academy School
Grand Canyon University
Episcopal High School
Ouachita Baptist University
The Ohio State University,Columbus
Arkansas Baptist College
Girard College
Fayetteville Technical Community College
Shawnee State University
University of Calgary
Norwich University of the Arts
Victoria University Secondary College
Delaware Technical Community College
Westwood College of Technology Anaheim
Peninsula College
Southern Wesleyan University
Pakuranga College
Bishop Miege High School
Saint Louis University
Cedarville University
Notre Dame Academy School
Grand Canyon University
Episcopal High School
Ouachita Baptist University
The Ohio State University,Columbus
Arkansas Baptist College
Girard College
年均学费40928 美金
Fayetteville Technical Community College
Shawnee State University
University of Calgary
Norwich University of the Arts
Victoria University Secondary College
Delaware Technical Community College
Westwood College of Technology Anaheim
Peninsula College
Southern Wesleyan University
Pakuranga College
Bishop Miege High School
Saint Louis University
Cedarville University
Notre Dame Academy School
Grand Canyon University
Episcopal High School
Ouachita Baptist University
The Ohio State University,Columbus
Arkansas Baptist College
Girard College
Fayetteville Technical Community College
Shawnee State University
University of Calgary
Norwich University of the Arts
Victoria University Secondary College
Delaware Technical Community College
Westwood College of Technology Anaheim
Peninsula College
Southern Wesleyan University
Pakuranga College
Bishop Miege High School
Saint Louis University
Cedarville University
Notre Dame Academy School
Grand Canyon University
Episcopal High School
Ouachita Baptist University
The Ohio State University,Columbus
Arkansas Baptist College
Girard College
Fayetteville Technical Community College
Shawnee State University
University of Calgary
Norwich University of the Arts
Victoria University Secondary College
Delaware Technical Community College
Westwood College of Technology Anaheim
Peninsula College
Southern Wesleyan University
Pakuranga College
Bishop Miege High School
Saint Louis University
Cedarville University
Notre Dame Academy School
Grand Canyon University
Episcopal High School
Ouachita Baptist University
The Ohio State University,Columbus
Arkansas Baptist College
Girard College