南阿肯色大学东卡姆登分校(东卡姆登)创建于1967年4月5日,西南技术学院法为阿肯色州议会的目的而成立起立的,该教育机构提供技术培训的劳动力,有一座工业园坐落在那里。70英亩的土地和六座建筑物公园捐赠了布朗基金会的德克萨斯州的休斯顿已经购买了前舒马赫海军军火库进行重建。筹资修缮和装备设施所带来的一笔赠款。 阿肯色州州教育委员会的原因,直到1975年在学校时,通过一项法案的阿肯色州议会,西南技术学院的名称改为了南阿肯色大学东卡姆登分校。这一变化,使得阿肯色州高等教育部能够授予学校可以颁发副学士和理学副学士程度,以及应用科学副学士。今天,南阿肯色大学东卡姆登分校(东卡姆登)是一个为期两年的学院专业技术培训,并提供了头两年的大学转学课程一般教育和工商管理。技术专业提供计算机信息技术,多媒体技术(电影及录像制作,平面设计,网页设计度) ,工业技术(保养工程业,制造业,及电子度),以及办公系统技术等课程。除了提供传统的课堂课程,南阿肯色大学东卡姆登分校(东卡姆登)提供了许多网络课程和在线度。该学院拥有大量注册在其高中双信贷计划。学院还拥有职业技术学院,沃希托县成人教育中心,阿肯色州消防学院,阿肯色州环境学院等校区。
University of Wisconsin-Green Bay
Wellington Institute of Technology
Bosworth Independent College
Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary
Cornerstone Christian School
Loma Linda University
James Ruse Agricultural High School
Lancaster Mennonite School
Loughborough University
Queen’s College
Calvin Christian School
Des Moines Area Community College
Kent School
Saint Augustine's University
Bethesda Christian University
Randolph College
Vatterott College
Utah State University
Concordia University Wisconsin
Philadelphia University
University of Wisconsin-Green Bay
Wellington Institute of Technology
Bosworth Independent College
Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary
Cornerstone Christian School
Loma Linda University
James Ruse Agricultural High School
Lancaster Mennonite School
Loughborough University
Queen’s College
Calvin Christian School
Des Moines Area Community College
Kent School
Saint Augustine's University
Bethesda Christian University
Randolph College
Vatterott College
Utah State University
Concordia University Wisconsin
Philadelphia University
年均学费7488 美金
University of Wisconsin-Green Bay
Wellington Institute of Technology
Bosworth Independent College
Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary
Cornerstone Christian School
Loma Linda University
James Ruse Agricultural High School
Lancaster Mennonite School
Loughborough University
Queen’s College
Calvin Christian School
Des Moines Area Community College
Kent School
Saint Augustine's University
Bethesda Christian University
Randolph College
Vatterott College
Utah State University
Concordia University Wisconsin
Philadelphia University
University of Wisconsin-Green Bay
Wellington Institute of Technology
Bosworth Independent College
Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary
Cornerstone Christian School
Loma Linda University
James Ruse Agricultural High School
Lancaster Mennonite School
Loughborough University
Queen’s College
Calvin Christian School
Des Moines Area Community College
Kent School
Saint Augustine's University
Bethesda Christian University
Randolph College
Vatterott College
Utah State University
Concordia University Wisconsin
Philadelphia University
University of Wisconsin-Green Bay
Wellington Institute of Technology
Bosworth Independent College
Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary
Cornerstone Christian School
Loma Linda University
James Ruse Agricultural High School
Lancaster Mennonite School
Loughborough University
Queen’s College
Calvin Christian School
Des Moines Area Community College
Kent School
Saint Augustine's University
Bethesda Christian University
Randolph College
Vatterott College
Utah State University
Concordia University Wisconsin
Philadelphia University