48 Main Street, Southborough, MA 01772
学校占地面积36英亩,位于麻州东边,在波士顿西边约28英里。学校提供的学术、艺术及体育方面的课程极极具深度与广度。老师为了能充分照顾学生的个别发展采用小班制教学。学校提供接触的教育结构和环境,所有课程挑战学生的学能力,也让学生认识自己的目标。学校整合适当的领导课程来引导每一个年级的学生。为协助国际学生提升英文程度及尽早适应环境,设置从初级开始的ESL课程。Fay School除了具有一群受过训练,有耐心的优秀师资外,校内设备也相当完备,包括表演艺术中心,综合学习中心,健身房,数学科学学习中心等。
★ 学术氛围浓厚,学生获得广泛的个别关注。学校的师生关系如同家长和孩子。
★ 在学校,教师和家长紧密合作关注学生每一步成长。
★ 学校所提供的课程不仅可以指导学生更好适应中学的教学模式并且可以支持学生和学生家长选择继续下一个级别教育的最好的环境。
★ 学校地理位置优越接近波士顿,提供学生更好体验学习的机会。
Berkshire School,Brooks School, Cate School,Choate Rosemary Hall, Concord Academy,Cushing Academy,Deerfield Academy, Emma Willard, Episcopal High School,Governor Dummer Academy,Groton School,Kent School, Lawrence Academy,Lawrenceville School,Loomis Chaffee School,Middlesex School, Milton Academy, Noble and Greenough School,Phillips Andover Academy, Phillips Exeter Academy,Pomfret School,Proctor Academy,Rivers School, Saint Mark’s School,St.George’s School,St.Paul’s School,Salisbury School, Suffield Academy,Tabor Academy,Thacher School,Wesminster School,Worcester Academy
Moore Catholic High School
Tucson College
Trident University International
The Catholic University of America
North Brisbane Institute of TAFE
University of London
Northeastern University
White Mountains Community College
St. Maria Goretti High School
Curtin University
Monsignor Edward Pace High School
Blair Academy
Louisiana Tech University
The College of New Jersey
Limestone College
Carl Sandburg College
Chaminade College Preparatory School
Walden University
The University of Utah
Greenfield Community College
Moore Catholic High School
Tucson College
Trident University International
The Catholic University of America
North Brisbane Institute of TAFE
University of London
Northeastern University
White Mountains Community College
St. Maria Goretti High School
Curtin University
Monsignor Edward Pace High School
Blair Academy
Louisiana Tech University
The College of New Jersey
Limestone College
Carl Sandburg College
Chaminade College Preparatory School
Walden University
The University of Utah
Greenfield Community College
Moore Catholic High School
Tucson College
Trident University International
The Catholic University of America
North Brisbane Institute of TAFE
University of London
Northeastern University
White Mountains Community College
St. Maria Goretti High School
Curtin University
Monsignor Edward Pace High School
Blair Academy
Louisiana Tech University
The College of New Jersey
Limestone College
Carl Sandburg College
Chaminade College Preparatory School
Walden University
The University of Utah
Greenfield Community College
Moore Catholic High School
Tucson College
Trident University International
The Catholic University of America
North Brisbane Institute of TAFE
University of London
Northeastern University
White Mountains Community College
St. Maria Goretti High School
Curtin University
Monsignor Edward Pace High School
Blair Academy
Louisiana Tech University
The College of New Jersey
Limestone College
Carl Sandburg College
Chaminade College Preparatory School
Walden University
The University of Utah
Greenfield Community College
Moore Catholic High School
Tucson College
Trident University International
The Catholic University of America
North Brisbane Institute of TAFE
University of London
Northeastern University
White Mountains Community College
St. Maria Goretti High School
Curtin University
Monsignor Edward Pace High School
Blair Academy
Louisiana Tech University
The College of New Jersey
Limestone College
Carl Sandburg College
Chaminade College Preparatory School
Walden University
The University of Utah
Greenfield Community College