St. John’s Preparatory School
圣约翰预备中学成立于1907年,学校是在Jacob Spring家族的旧址上建立的。Jacob Spring是一位当地的实业家,该府邸是由40多种石材建造的维多利亚--哥特式建筑。后被天主教沙文略兄弟会买下并建成学校。该校建校100多年来,学校规模和招生人数不断扩大,目前共有13,000名毕业生。圣约翰预备中学(简称“the Prep”)保留了建校以来的优良传统和价值观,为学生们提供严格的创新性学术课程。
学校位于马萨诸塞州的Danvers,距离波士顿半小时车程,波士顿不仅是美国很有历史意义的城市,而且还是多所世界名牌大学的所在地,包括哈佛大学、麻省理工学院等。Danvers的悠久历史可以追溯到17世纪,小镇的座右铭是“The King Unwilling”,起源据说是 1636年该镇向英国国王申请官方宪章,但遭到了国王的断然拒绝,并且在文书中用了“国王不情愿”的语句。
沙文略中心(建于1911年,因其尖顶的特色成为校徽标志)在2005年进行了全面翻新,对31间教室进行修整,又新建了一所博物馆庆祝学校的百年庆典。其他亮点包括:来肯艺术中心(1995年重建),AE 学生图书馆(2003年建成,面积超过2200平方米),本杰明兄弟中心(2003年扩建),这些构成了学校教室和办公的主体。
体育-- 学校的体育运动队是马萨诸塞州实力最强的运动队之一,每年都会赢得数个州级竞标赛的冠军。近几年,学校在足球,田径,游泳,击剑,网球,高尔夫等方面均多次获得冠军。
University of Strathclyde
City Colleges of Chicago-Harold Washington College
Gould Academy
Marine Military Academy
Fanshawe College
University of Memphis
Peru State College
North Brookfield Junior/Senior High School
St. Joseph Central Catholic School
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
California State University Channel Islands
Corban University
Central Catholic High School
Saint Louis University
Northwestern Oklahoma State University
Kents Hill School
Victor Valley Christian School
Institute of American Indian Arts
Vanguard College Preparatory School
Le Moyne College
University of Strathclyde
City Colleges of Chicago-Harold Washington College
Gould Academy
Marine Military Academy
Fanshawe College
University of Memphis
Peru State College
North Brookfield Junior/Senior High School
St. Joseph Central Catholic School
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
California State University Channel Islands
Corban University
Central Catholic High School
Saint Louis University
Northwestern Oklahoma State University
Kents Hill School
Victor Valley Christian School
Institute of American Indian Arts
Vanguard College Preparatory School
Le Moyne College
University of Strathclyde
City Colleges of Chicago-Harold Washington College
Gould Academy
Marine Military Academy
Fanshawe College
University of Memphis
Peru State College
North Brookfield Junior/Senior High School
St. Joseph Central Catholic School
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
California State University Channel Islands
Corban University
Central Catholic High School
Saint Louis University
Northwestern Oklahoma State University
Kents Hill School
Victor Valley Christian School
Institute of American Indian Arts
Vanguard College Preparatory School
Le Moyne College
University of Strathclyde
City Colleges of Chicago-Harold Washington College
Gould Academy
Marine Military Academy
Fanshawe College
University of Memphis
Peru State College
North Brookfield Junior/Senior High School
St. Joseph Central Catholic School
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
California State University Channel Islands
Corban University
Central Catholic High School
Saint Louis University
Northwestern Oklahoma State University
Kents Hill School
Victor Valley Christian School
Institute of American Indian Arts
Vanguard College Preparatory School
Le Moyne College
University of Strathclyde
City Colleges of Chicago-Harold Washington College
Gould Academy
Marine Military Academy
Fanshawe College
University of Memphis
Peru State College
North Brookfield Junior/Senior High School
St. Joseph Central Catholic School
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
California State University Channel Islands
Corban University
Central Catholic High School
Saint Louis University
Northwestern Oklahoma State University
Kents Hill School
Victor Valley Christian School
Institute of American Indian Arts
Vanguard College Preparatory School
Le Moyne College