切萨皮克学院(外米尔斯)(Chesapeake College (Wye Mills)),1965年建校,位于美国Wye Mills市。该校专为准备进入切萨皮克学院(外米尔斯)学习的学生提供专科学习。如果您要了解切萨皮克学院(外米尔斯)(Chesapeake College (Wye Mills))
该学院包括2年制课程的文理学院和职业课程。毕业后授予:文科副学士、教育副学士、理科副学士、应用科学副学士、学位及证书。学校包括切萨皮克学院剑桥中心和切萨皮克学院联合保健中心。校外教学地点包括多尔切斯特,肯特,安妮女王和塔尔博特县。校园面积170英亩。学院图书馆设施,包括近50000书籍和视听资源,以及获得在线期刊和专题数据库。特别收藏包括东海岸相关材料安置在切萨皮克室和资源慈善人士提供的补助金。计算机设施:学院设有一个校园网络,提供了范围广泛的软件包及应用,包括高速互联网接入。学院提供700多台用于教学的电脑给学生和教员使用。学生财政援助: 在2005-2006学年,230多万美元的各种形式的助学金颁发给了符合要求的学生。学院还提供广泛的奖学金计划。
University of Strathclyde
City Colleges of Chicago-Harold Washington College
Gould Academy
Marine Military Academy
Fanshawe College
University of Memphis
Peru State College
North Brookfield Junior/Senior High School
St. Joseph Central Catholic School
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
California State University Channel Islands
Corban University
Central Catholic High School
Saint Louis University
Northwestern Oklahoma State University
Kents Hill School
Victor Valley Christian School
Institute of American Indian Arts
Vanguard College Preparatory School
Le Moyne College
University of Strathclyde
City Colleges of Chicago-Harold Washington College
Gould Academy
Marine Military Academy
Fanshawe College
University of Memphis
Peru State College
North Brookfield Junior/Senior High School
St. Joseph Central Catholic School
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
California State University Channel Islands
Corban University
Central Catholic High School
Saint Louis University
Northwestern Oklahoma State University
Kents Hill School
Victor Valley Christian School
Institute of American Indian Arts
Vanguard College Preparatory School
Le Moyne College
年均学费7176 美金
University of Strathclyde
City Colleges of Chicago-Harold Washington College
Gould Academy
Marine Military Academy
Fanshawe College
University of Memphis
Peru State College
North Brookfield Junior/Senior High School
St. Joseph Central Catholic School
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
California State University Channel Islands
Corban University
Central Catholic High School
Saint Louis University
Northwestern Oklahoma State University
Kents Hill School
Victor Valley Christian School
Institute of American Indian Arts
Vanguard College Preparatory School
Le Moyne College
University of Strathclyde
City Colleges of Chicago-Harold Washington College
Gould Academy
Marine Military Academy
Fanshawe College
University of Memphis
Peru State College
North Brookfield Junior/Senior High School
St. Joseph Central Catholic School
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
California State University Channel Islands
Corban University
Central Catholic High School
Saint Louis University
Northwestern Oklahoma State University
Kents Hill School
Victor Valley Christian School
Institute of American Indian Arts
Vanguard College Preparatory School
Le Moyne College
University of Strathclyde
City Colleges of Chicago-Harold Washington College
Gould Academy
Marine Military Academy
Fanshawe College
University of Memphis
Peru State College
North Brookfield Junior/Senior High School
St. Joseph Central Catholic School
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
California State University Channel Islands
Corban University
Central Catholic High School
Saint Louis University
Northwestern Oklahoma State University
Kents Hill School
Victor Valley Christian School
Institute of American Indian Arts
Vanguard College Preparatory School
Le Moyne College