英国布伦特伍德学校Brentwood School于1557年创立,创校初期只取录男学生,自1974年首次取录sixth form的女学生,校舍建于近市区的地方,有70英亩的运动场以及庭院供学生使用,校舍包含了很多现代化建设,好像艺术中心,技术中心,表演艺术中心,室内游泳池。为促进学生多方面的发展,学校亦举办不少课外活动,例如:音乐.戏剧,艺术,而在篮球,剑击,网球,女子曲棍球等体育项目中亦多次获得奖项。
Brentwood School采用小班进行授课,因为这样更利于老师对学生的照顾。由专业课老师、班主任和住宿老师所组成的学习和生活小组对学生在学校的学习和生活提供了全方位的服务。同时学校还不定期地为学生安排丰富的课外活动,例如郊游、旅行、参观博物馆等,学校希望通过这样的活动能够有助于学生成长。在不断提高教学水平的同时,学校十分强调培养学生的创造力和想象力。设备精良的学校艺术中心为所有学生提供了一个展示自己才能的舞台,艺术课是每一个学生的必修课程。学校希望通过艺术课的学习能够提高学生的艺术涵养和素质。
A- level课程:艺术,生物,商业经济研究,化学,古代文明研究,电脑研究,经济,英语课程,法文,深层数学,地理,德文,图像产品学,希腊文,历史,资讯科技,拉丁文,数学,音乐,哲学与道德教育,体育,物理,政治研究,心理学,西班牙文,科技研究,舞台研究。
San Francisco Conservatory of Music
Gilmore College for Girls
International Education Services Limited
University of Surrey
St Mary's School Calne
Eaglebrook School
Auburn University at Montgomery
Spalding University
Canyonville Christian Academy
Kent College
Edgbaston High School for Girls
Redland High School for Girls
University of Bristol
Queen Margaret University
Monkton Combe School
Culford School
Farlington School
Mill Hill School
Berkhamsted School
Ravensbourne College
San Francisco Conservatory of Music
Gilmore College for Girls
International Education Services Limited
University of Surrey
St Mary's School Calne
Eaglebrook School
Auburn University at Montgomery
Spalding University
Canyonville Christian Academy
Kent College
Edgbaston High School for Girls
Redland High School for Girls
University of Bristol
Queen Margaret University
Monkton Combe School
Culford School
Farlington School
Mill Hill School
Berkhamsted School
Ravensbourne College
San Francisco Conservatory of Music
Gilmore College for Girls
International Education Services Limited
University of Surrey
St Mary's School Calne
Eaglebrook School
Auburn University at Montgomery
Spalding University
Canyonville Christian Academy
Kent College
Edgbaston High School for Girls
Redland High School for Girls
University of Bristol
Queen Margaret University
Monkton Combe School
Culford School
Farlington School
Mill Hill School
Berkhamsted School
Ravensbourne College
San Francisco Conservatory of Music
Gilmore College for Girls
International Education Services Limited
University of Surrey
St Mary's School Calne
Eaglebrook School
Auburn University at Montgomery
Spalding University
Canyonville Christian Academy
Kent College
Edgbaston High School for Girls
Redland High School for Girls
University of Bristol
Queen Margaret University
Monkton Combe School
Culford School
Farlington School
Mill Hill School
Berkhamsted School
Ravensbourne College
San Francisco Conservatory of Music
Gilmore College for Girls
International Education Services Limited
University of Surrey
St Mary's School Calne
Eaglebrook School
Auburn University at Montgomery
Spalding University
Canyonville Christian Academy
Kent College
Edgbaston High School for Girls
Redland High School for Girls
University of Bristol
Queen Margaret University
Monkton Combe School
Culford School
Farlington School
Mill Hill School
Berkhamsted School
Ravensbourne College