英国凯特汉姆中学Caterham School于1883年在Lewisham建立,在1884年搬迁至Caterham,新的校舍拥有30英亩的平原可以让学生休息以及进行各样大型活动,创校初期学校是只取录男学生,但在1980年开始首次在sixth form课程中取录女学生,亦在1995年开始成为男女校,在现代化的校舍中,学校加设了不少设施,目的是能够提供最优质的地方供学生上课。所以学生在学校内不只是学习书本上的知识,还可以透过使用各式各样的设施去学习多元化的课外活动,例如:艺术,音乐,戏剧,体育,橄榄球等。同时,学校采取小班活动教学模式,师生比例1:10,因此,同学于上课时的发问机会亦较多。
Caterham School主要分为两个教学部:小学部和中学部(初中和高中)。小学部招收3-11岁的学生,中学部收11-18岁的学生。小学部,除了核心的英语、数学和科学课程外,还设置了狠多科目,以此激励学生挑战自己的潜能。对3-5岁的孩子学校更多地是让学生轻松了解学习的殿堂,激发学习的兴趣。5岁以上的学生开始按国家的教学大纲授课。中学部为低班、高班和高中部。低班是针对11-13岁的学生。学生课程宽泛,遵循均衡的艺术、人文和科学类的基础教学大纲,第二现代语可选择德语和西班牙语。高班学生一般13岁开始读,有狠多课程可选择。
基础课有GCSE课程,即初中四、五年级的课程。Caterham School凯特汉中学引导学生提前为读Alevel做好学科准备,保证他们的兴趣和能力能得到发挥。所有学生学习核心课程,一门现代语和一门人文课程。一般来说,该校有9到10种GCSE课程可选择。两年的高中生活是学生最具挑战和最兴奋的时光。
Caterham School凯特汉中学有充足的单人间或者是双人间提供给想住宿的学生,所有宿舍都建立在校园内,而且有着非常完善的设施来保证学生们的使用,同时该校配备有专职的宿舍老师来帮助学生在各个方面所遇到的问题,这些措施都能使得寄宿学生生活在友好的气氛中,享受着员工细致的关心。
Missouri Baptist University
St Antony's-Leweston School
Queen Elizabeth’s Grammar School
New Hall School
Shenandoah University
Vancouver School Board
Western New Mexico University
John F. Kennedy Catholic School
Kansas City University of Medicine and Biosciences
Fieldstone Day School
Highbury College
University of Cambridge
Repton School
Aberystwyth University
Llandovery College
ST Mary`s School Cambridge
London College of Communication
Leeds Beckett University
Bournemouth Business School International
Kingston Grammar School
Missouri Baptist University
St Antony's-Leweston School
Queen Elizabeth’s Grammar School
New Hall School
Shenandoah University
Vancouver School Board
Western New Mexico University
John F. Kennedy Catholic School
Kansas City University of Medicine and Biosciences
Fieldstone Day School
Highbury College
University of Cambridge
Repton School
Aberystwyth University
Llandovery College
ST Mary`s School Cambridge
London College of Communication
Leeds Beckett University
Bournemouth Business School International
Kingston Grammar School
Missouri Baptist University
St Antony's-Leweston School
Queen Elizabeth’s Grammar School
New Hall School
Shenandoah University
Vancouver School Board
Western New Mexico University
John F. Kennedy Catholic School
Kansas City University of Medicine and Biosciences
Fieldstone Day School
Highbury College
University of Cambridge
Repton School
Aberystwyth University
Llandovery College
ST Mary`s School Cambridge
London College of Communication
Leeds Beckett University
Bournemouth Business School International
Kingston Grammar School
Missouri Baptist University
St Antony's-Leweston School
Queen Elizabeth’s Grammar School
New Hall School
Shenandoah University
Vancouver School Board
Western New Mexico University
John F. Kennedy Catholic School
Kansas City University of Medicine and Biosciences
Fieldstone Day School
Highbury College
University of Cambridge
Repton School
Aberystwyth University
Llandovery College
ST Mary`s School Cambridge
London College of Communication
Leeds Beckett University
Bournemouth Business School International
Kingston Grammar School
Missouri Baptist University
St Antony's-Leweston School
Queen Elizabeth’s Grammar School
New Hall School
Shenandoah University
Vancouver School Board
Western New Mexico University
John F. Kennedy Catholic School
Kansas City University of Medicine and Biosciences
Fieldstone Day School
Highbury College
University of Cambridge
Repton School
Aberystwyth University
Llandovery College
ST Mary`s School Cambridge
London College of Communication
Leeds Beckett University
Bournemouth Business School International
Kingston Grammar School