Queen Anne’s School建立于1698年,是一所招收11、12、13和六年级学生的女校。学校坐落在Caversham村的边上,为学生们提供了一个安全的学习环境。学校注重培养学生的成熟和自信,学生们经常参与社区工作,每年学生们都会募集到很多由学生提名的慈善募捐。
2006年A level考试成绩如下:A-B等的比率为70%;得A的比率为41.5%;UCAS平均分为353分;合格率100%。在2006年英国私立中学A水平考试成绩学校排名中排名第213位。
2006年GCSE考试成绩如下:87%得A* -B;27% 的女生在9门或更多的科目中取得了A*/A;99%的学生得了A* -C
学 费:8195英镑/学期(从2009年9月1日开始,费用稍微上涨,在2.5%以下)
申 请 费:150英镑
AS/A level课程有英语、汉语、法语、德语、西班牙语、拉丁语、古典文明、经济学、历史、地理、数学、高等数学、IT计算机、生物、化学、物理、心理学、艺术、艺术史、戏剧学、音乐、体育。
Harrison College Muncie
University of the West of England
Langley School
University of Missouri St Louis
Surrey School District
Indiana University-Purdue University,Indianapolis
Buckingham Browne Nichols School
Dalhousie University
Mueller College
Trinity Catholic High School
Merchiston Castle School
The University of Warwick
University for the Creative Arts
Queen Elizabeth’s Grammar School
Cokethorpe School
University of Wales College, Newport
Stonyhurst College
St.Leonard Mayfield School
Sherborne International College
Brighton College
Harrison College Muncie
University of the West of England
Langley School
University of Missouri St Louis
Surrey School District
Indiana University-Purdue University,Indianapolis
Buckingham Browne Nichols School
Dalhousie University
Mueller College
Trinity Catholic High School
Merchiston Castle School
The University of Warwick
University for the Creative Arts
Queen Elizabeth’s Grammar School
Cokethorpe School
University of Wales College, Newport
Stonyhurst College
St.Leonard Mayfield School
Sherborne International College
Brighton College
Harrison College Muncie
University of the West of England
Langley School
University of Missouri St Louis
Surrey School District
Indiana University-Purdue University,Indianapolis
Buckingham Browne Nichols School
Dalhousie University
Mueller College
Trinity Catholic High School
Merchiston Castle School
The University of Warwick
University for the Creative Arts
Queen Elizabeth’s Grammar School
Cokethorpe School
University of Wales College, Newport
Stonyhurst College
St.Leonard Mayfield School
Sherborne International College
Brighton College
Harrison College Muncie
University of the West of England
Langley School
University of Missouri St Louis
Surrey School District
Indiana University-Purdue University,Indianapolis
Buckingham Browne Nichols School
Dalhousie University
Mueller College
Trinity Catholic High School
Merchiston Castle School
The University of Warwick
University for the Creative Arts
Queen Elizabeth’s Grammar School
Cokethorpe School
University of Wales College, Newport
Stonyhurst College
St.Leonard Mayfield School
Sherborne International College
Brighton College
Harrison College Muncie
University of the West of England
Langley School
University of Missouri St Louis
Surrey School District
Indiana University-Purdue University,Indianapolis
Buckingham Browne Nichols School
Dalhousie University
Mueller College
Trinity Catholic High School
Merchiston Castle School
The University of Warwick
University for the Creative Arts
Queen Elizabeth’s Grammar School
Cokethorpe School
University of Wales College, Newport
Stonyhurst College
St.Leonard Mayfield School
Sherborne International College
Brighton College