阿尔伯马学院是一所走读混合校,位于伦敦市中心,距离伦敦第一购物街牛津街和海德公园非常近。学校除了开设两年制的A-Level课程(第一年为AS, 第二年为A2)还针对那些已经学习过A-Level同等程度课程或者心智更加成熟的学生开设了一年制的A-level课程。此外学校的最低入学年龄是14岁,开设完整的GCSE课程。A-Level课程涵盖了人文、科学、经济、社会等领域的31门课程。
1. 90%的学生接连五年取得A*-B的最终考试成绩。
2. 95%的学生进入自己的第一志愿大学,而罗素集团盟校也占了很大一部分,例如伦敦政经学院、牛津大学、帝国理工学院、剑桥大学、伦敦大学学院、杜伦大学、诺丁汉大学等。
3. 完善的网络支持系统。无论是师生之间的日常交流,还是选课辅助,甚至学校与毕业生之间都保持着很好的联系。
4. 全校200人,35%的国际生比例,中国学生目前只有8人。小班上课,平均每班最多8人,这样有利于做到师生之间随时解决问题。
5. 任课老师具有多年的从教经验,大部分老师甚至是考试委员会的成员。
6. 每周一次的测评会时刻掌握学生的学习动态,每个月会有一个正式的学习报告反馈给家长和学生。
7. 辅导员会定期和家长以及监护人保持联系,反馈学生的在校情况。
8. 丰富的课外活动。足球、乒乓球、篮球、排球、羽毛球、游泳、有氧运动等体育活动;辩论社、摄影协会、戏剧协会、组织学生去欧洲其他国家旅行等陶冶学生的艺术情操。(因为位于伦敦市中心,大型体育活动都是在两个学校外的场地进行的,其中一个场地距离校区步行仅需五分钟,另一个场地距离校区大概开车十分钟的距离)
southweet florida christian academy
Schoolcraft College
Guildford High School for Girls
St Bees School
College Of the Desert
College of Saint Benedict and Saint John's University
Miami International University of Art & Design
Bridgton Academy
Huston-Tillotson University
St Mary's College
King`s College School
Royal Central School of Speech & Drama
Reading Blue Coat School
University of Worcester
Newcastle-under-Lyme School
The Robert Gordon University
Chigwell School
Central Newcastle High School GDST
Hampshire Collegiate School
Colston`s Girls` School
southweet florida christian academy
Schoolcraft College
Guildford High School for Girls
St Bees School
College Of the Desert
College of Saint Benedict and Saint John's University
Miami International University of Art & Design
Bridgton Academy
Huston-Tillotson University
St Mary's College
King`s College School
Royal Central School of Speech & Drama
Reading Blue Coat School
University of Worcester
Newcastle-under-Lyme School
The Robert Gordon University
Chigwell School
Central Newcastle High School GDST
Hampshire Collegiate School
Colston`s Girls` School
southweet florida christian academy
Schoolcraft College
Guildford High School for Girls
St Bees School
College Of the Desert
College of Saint Benedict and Saint John's University
Miami International University of Art & Design
Bridgton Academy
Huston-Tillotson University
St Mary's College
King`s College School
Royal Central School of Speech & Drama
Reading Blue Coat School
University of Worcester
Newcastle-under-Lyme School
The Robert Gordon University
Chigwell School
Central Newcastle High School GDST
Hampshire Collegiate School
Colston`s Girls` School
southweet florida christian academy
Schoolcraft College
Guildford High School for Girls
St Bees School
College Of the Desert
College of Saint Benedict and Saint John's University
Miami International University of Art & Design
Bridgton Academy
Huston-Tillotson University
St Mary's College
King`s College School
Royal Central School of Speech & Drama
Reading Blue Coat School
University of Worcester
Newcastle-under-Lyme School
The Robert Gordon University
Chigwell School
Central Newcastle High School GDST
Hampshire Collegiate School
Colston`s Girls` School
southweet florida christian academy
Schoolcraft College
Guildford High School for Girls
St Bees School
College Of the Desert
College of Saint Benedict and Saint John's University
Miami International University of Art & Design
Bridgton Academy
Huston-Tillotson University
St Mary's College
King`s College School
Royal Central School of Speech & Drama
Reading Blue Coat School
University of Worcester
Newcastle-under-Lyme School
The Robert Gordon University
Chigwell School
Central Newcastle High School GDST
Hampshire Collegiate School
Colston`s Girls` School