英国弗朗西斯荷兰学校Francis Holland School在1878年建Baker Street, London,在1915年将校舍搬迁至伦敦的Regent’s Park旁,新校舍有着各样现代化的设备,好像全新的科学实验室以及室内游泳池等,都是用来培训学生才能的地方,优良的设备可以提供学生一个良好的学习环境,令学生的学术成绩有良好的表现。
A- level课程:艺术,生物,商业经济研究,古典文化,戏剧及舞台研究,经济,英国文学,地理,历史,拉丁文,数学,法文,德文,西班牙文,音乐,哲学,宗教伦理,物理,体育,心理学,中文。
University of Strathclyde
City Colleges of Chicago-Harold Washington College
Gould Academy
Marine Military Academy
Fanshawe College
University of Memphis
Peru State College
North Brookfield Junior/Senior High School
St. Joseph Central Catholic School
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Downside School
Norwich School
Norwich High School for Girls GDST
Kingston University
Lingfield Notre Dame
Lord Wandsworth College
Notting Hill and Ealing High School GDST
University of the Highlands and Islands
Loughborough Grammar School
Prior`s Field School
University of Strathclyde
City Colleges of Chicago-Harold Washington College
Gould Academy
Marine Military Academy
Fanshawe College
University of Memphis
Peru State College
North Brookfield Junior/Senior High School
St. Joseph Central Catholic School
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Downside School
Norwich School
Norwich High School for Girls GDST
Kingston University
Lingfield Notre Dame
Lord Wandsworth College
Notting Hill and Ealing High School GDST
University of the Highlands and Islands
Loughborough Grammar School
Prior`s Field School
University of Strathclyde
City Colleges of Chicago-Harold Washington College
Gould Academy
Marine Military Academy
Fanshawe College
University of Memphis
Peru State College
North Brookfield Junior/Senior High School
St. Joseph Central Catholic School
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Downside School
Norwich School
Norwich High School for Girls GDST
Kingston University
Lingfield Notre Dame
Lord Wandsworth College
Notting Hill and Ealing High School GDST
University of the Highlands and Islands
Loughborough Grammar School
Prior`s Field School
University of Strathclyde
City Colleges of Chicago-Harold Washington College
Gould Academy
Marine Military Academy
Fanshawe College
University of Memphis
Peru State College
North Brookfield Junior/Senior High School
St. Joseph Central Catholic School
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Downside School
Norwich School
Norwich High School for Girls GDST
Kingston University
Lingfield Notre Dame
Lord Wandsworth College
Notting Hill and Ealing High School GDST
University of the Highlands and Islands
Loughborough Grammar School
Prior`s Field School
University of Strathclyde
City Colleges of Chicago-Harold Washington College
Gould Academy
Marine Military Academy
Fanshawe College
University of Memphis
Peru State College
North Brookfield Junior/Senior High School
St. Joseph Central Catholic School
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Downside School
Norwich School
Norwich High School for Girls GDST
Kingston University
Lingfield Notre Dame
Lord Wandsworth College
Notting Hill and Ealing High School GDST
University of the Highlands and Islands
Loughborough Grammar School
Prior`s Field School