剑桥圣玛莉学校St Mary`s School, Cambridge建于1898年,是一所女子寄宿学校。该校位于剑桥区内,毗邻剑桥大学,有便利的交通链接英国4个主要的机场,无论是开车还是乘坐火车去伦敦都非常方便,同时从学校步行到剑桥火车站只需几分钟。
学校现共有学生514名,年龄从11岁到18岁,8%左右的学生来自海外,师生比例为1:8。中学部提供有GCSE及A Level课程。学生在这里可以接受到丰富多样化的教育,学校注重发展学生的个人和社会能力。由于其团队合作性、自主性以及领导性的特质,历年来屡获“爱丁堡公爵奖励计划”的青睐,很多学生在校期间就获得了金奖。
GCSE:生物、化学、古典文明、英语、英国文学、法语、德语、希腊语、体育、地理、德语、 意大利语、数学、拉丁语、音乐、西班牙语、纺织、戏剧、艺术设计、宗教学、复合科学
A- Level:艺术、艺术史、生物、商业学习、化学、古典文明、经济、英语、英国文学、法语、地理、德语、 意大利语、数学、拉丁语、音乐、物理、体育、心理学、社会学、西班牙语、纺织、戏剧学习和神学。
2007 A2 results
62.3% of all grades were A
86.8% were graded A - B
93.4% were graded from A– C
100% of all grades were at A – E
Southern Adventist University
Everest College-San Bernardino
University of Mount Union
Kenmore State High School
University for the Creative Arts
Chatham Christian Schools
New River Community College
Baker University
Remington College-Memphis Campus
University of Tennessee at Chattanooga
Stonyhurst College
Moyles Court School
London College of Communication
Aston University
Redland High School for Girls
De Montfort University
Bethany School
Haberdashers' Monmouth School
Edge Hill University
University of Buckingham
Southern Adventist University
Everest College-San Bernardino
University of Mount Union
Kenmore State High School
University for the Creative Arts
Chatham Christian Schools
New River Community College
Baker University
Remington College-Memphis Campus
University of Tennessee at Chattanooga
Stonyhurst College
Moyles Court School
London College of Communication
Aston University
Redland High School for Girls
De Montfort University
Bethany School
Haberdashers' Monmouth School
Edge Hill University
University of Buckingham
Southern Adventist University
Everest College-San Bernardino
University of Mount Union
Kenmore State High School
University for the Creative Arts
Chatham Christian Schools
New River Community College
Baker University
Remington College-Memphis Campus
University of Tennessee at Chattanooga
Stonyhurst College
Moyles Court School
London College of Communication
Aston University
Redland High School for Girls
De Montfort University
Bethany School
Haberdashers' Monmouth School
Edge Hill University
University of Buckingham
Southern Adventist University
Everest College-San Bernardino
University of Mount Union
Kenmore State High School
University for the Creative Arts
Chatham Christian Schools
New River Community College
Baker University
Remington College-Memphis Campus
University of Tennessee at Chattanooga
Stonyhurst College
Moyles Court School
London College of Communication
Aston University
Redland High School for Girls
De Montfort University
Bethany School
Haberdashers' Monmouth School
Edge Hill University
University of Buckingham
Southern Adventist University
Everest College-San Bernardino
University of Mount Union
Kenmore State High School
University for the Creative Arts
Chatham Christian Schools
New River Community College
Baker University
Remington College-Memphis Campus
University of Tennessee at Chattanooga
Stonyhurst College
Moyles Court School
London College of Communication
Aston University
Redland High School for Girls
De Montfort University
Bethany School
Haberdashers' Monmouth School
Edge Hill University
University of Buckingham