英国 -- 赫特福德郡(Hertfordshire)-英格兰
海伦娜公主学院是一所私立女子奇宿中学。它坐落于风光明媚的赫特福德郡,学校主楼为国家二级文物原丁斯雷教堂(Temple Dinsley)。海伦娜公主学院由Sophia WilIiams小姐创建于1820年,当时专门招收拿破仑战争中服役军官的女儿和英国国教神职人员的女儿。1874年,维多利亚女王的三女儿海伦娜公主出任学校校长,此后学校就一直享受王室资助。海伦娜公主学院是英国女校协会(Girls Schools Association)的成员,招收英国和海外的走读生和寄宿生。学校的寄宿生分为三类:全寄宿生(每周在校住宿7天) ,周寄宿生(每周在校住宿4-5天)以及灵活制寄宿生(每周在校住宿1-3晩)。学校设立了非常完善的宿舍制度金校一共有三栋宿舍一格洛斯樹(Gloucester)、温莎(Windsor)和开口约克(York),每年都会以宿舍为单位争夺舞蹈大赛之夜的小公鸡奖杯(Cockerel)。
英国高中课程(General Certificate of Education Advanced Level)简称A-Level课程,它是英国的普通中等教育证书考试高级水平课程,是英国的全民课程体系,也是英国学生的大学入学考试课程,就像我国的高考一样,A-Level课程证书被几乎所有英语授课的大学作为招收新生的入学标准。GCSE即英国普通初级中学毕业文凭,相当于中国国内的初中毕业考试文凭,但实际上,GCSE是英国中学10年级和11年级的学习课程,程度和要求都比国内初中毕业生要高,从理论上说应该是国内的高一学生申请较为合适。经过两年GCSE学习后,学生方可进入A-Level阶段的学习。学生GCSE的成绩将被作为A-Level甚至大学录取的参考。
University of Wisconsin-Green Bay
Wellington Institute of Technology
Bosworth Independent College
Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary
Cornerstone Christian School
Loma Linda University
James Ruse Agricultural High School
Lancaster Mennonite School
Loughborough University
Queen’s College
Royal Wolverhampton School
Bearwood College
Bristol Grammar School
University of Central Lancashire
Queenswood School
Cambridge School of Visual Performing Arts
The Arts Educational School London
Lincoln Minster School
Malvern St James
Canford School
University of Wisconsin-Green Bay
Wellington Institute of Technology
Bosworth Independent College
Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary
Cornerstone Christian School
Loma Linda University
James Ruse Agricultural High School
Lancaster Mennonite School
Loughborough University
Queen’s College
Royal Wolverhampton School
Bearwood College
Bristol Grammar School
University of Central Lancashire
Queenswood School
Cambridge School of Visual Performing Arts
The Arts Educational School London
Lincoln Minster School
Malvern St James
Canford School
University of Wisconsin-Green Bay
Wellington Institute of Technology
Bosworth Independent College
Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary
Cornerstone Christian School
Loma Linda University
James Ruse Agricultural High School
Lancaster Mennonite School
Loughborough University
Queen’s College
Royal Wolverhampton School
Bearwood College
Bristol Grammar School
University of Central Lancashire
Queenswood School
Cambridge School of Visual Performing Arts
The Arts Educational School London
Lincoln Minster School
Malvern St James
Canford School
University of Wisconsin-Green Bay
Wellington Institute of Technology
Bosworth Independent College
Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary
Cornerstone Christian School
Loma Linda University
James Ruse Agricultural High School
Lancaster Mennonite School
Loughborough University
Queen’s College
Royal Wolverhampton School
Bearwood College
Bristol Grammar School
University of Central Lancashire
Queenswood School
Cambridge School of Visual Performing Arts
The Arts Educational School London
Lincoln Minster School
Malvern St James
Canford School
University of Wisconsin-Green Bay
Wellington Institute of Technology
Bosworth Independent College
Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary
Cornerstone Christian School
Loma Linda University
James Ruse Agricultural High School
Lancaster Mennonite School
Loughborough University
Queen’s College
Royal Wolverhampton School
Bearwood College
Bristol Grammar School
University of Central Lancashire
Queenswood School
Cambridge School of Visual Performing Arts
The Arts Educational School London
Lincoln Minster School
Malvern St James
Canford School