2 Macleans Road, Bucklands Beach, Auckland, 2012, New Zealand
麦克林斯 (Macleans College)学校名字取自于Maclean 兄弟; Scotmen 于1885年定居新西兰, 他是Howick –Pakuranga – Penrose 地区早期的居民. Robert 和 Thomas 在此区买了土地做为农场, Benjamin 则在St Johns 高中任教. Maclean 家族的苏格兰格子图形现在已成为学校制服的一部份. 学校徽章上的城堡图案也是Maclean 家族城堡的象征.
麦克林斯中学(Macleans College)于1980年由总督David Beattie爵士出资建立,并以1850年移民新西兰的麦克林家族命名。学生人数为199 人, 为男女混校, 现今已接近2500 位学生. 首任校长为Colin Prentice, 他后来担任Mount Roskill 公立高中的校长, 现为新西兰世界展望会的主席. 第二任校长为原任常务副校长的Allen Macdonald, 于1989年出任, 在他退休之后, Bentley 先生于2000年开始接任校长.
Whanau House 系统
Whanau 是毛利语为延伸的家庭. 每栋Whanau 拥有不同的教学区域及公用大堂来做为社交的场所. 每一栋Whanau 大约有280 – 300 位学生, 如同学校中的学校. 学生在开学时会先被编班并分配至其中一栋Whanau.
麦克林斯中学采用新西兰教育体系NCEA以及剑桥体系CIE并轨制教学。NCEA是2002年开始引进成为新西兰高中生主要的国家资格评定制度. NCEA的第一级已在2002年取代学校Bursary证书, 2003年开始第二级, 2004年开始第三级以取代大学入学考试制.
学校给学生提供文化及体育方面多元化的选择, 每个学生必须参加其中一项活动, 文艺方面包括西洋棋、辩论、 戏剧、 摄影、 管弦乐团、 合唱团、 乐团等, 体育方面包括乒乓球、 篮球、 帆船、 划船、 游艇、 足球、 水球、 英式橄榄球、 女子无板篮球、 网球等.
1 申请:填写申请表并递交给学校请同时交4 张护照照片
2 护照:递交学生护照细节的复印件
3 监护人护照:递交学生监护人护照细节的复印件
4 指定负责人:一定要由经父母双方签署的监护人
5 推荐人:监护人要有两位熟人的推荐信
Harrison College Muncie
University of the West of England
Langley School
University of Missouri St Louis
Surrey School District
Indiana University-Purdue University,Indianapolis
Buckingham Browne Nichols School
Dalhousie University
Mueller College
Trinity Catholic High School
Green Bay High School
Pakuranga College
Carmel College
Auckland International College;奥克兰aic
Bayfield High School
Wellington College of Education
Unitec Institute of Technology
Wanganui High School
Victoria University of Wellington
University of Otago
Harrison College Muncie
University of the West of England
Langley School
University of Missouri St Louis
Surrey School District
Indiana University-Purdue University,Indianapolis
Buckingham Browne Nichols School
Dalhousie University
Mueller College
Trinity Catholic High School
Green Bay High School
Pakuranga College
Carmel College
Auckland International College;奥克兰aic
Bayfield High School
Wellington College of Education
Unitec Institute of Technology
Wanganui High School
Victoria University of Wellington
University of Otago
Harrison College Muncie
University of the West of England
Langley School
University of Missouri St Louis
Surrey School District
Indiana University-Purdue University,Indianapolis
Buckingham Browne Nichols School
Dalhousie University
Mueller College
Trinity Catholic High School
Green Bay High School
Pakuranga College
Carmel College
Auckland International College;奥克兰aic
Bayfield High School
Wellington College of Education
Unitec Institute of Technology
Wanganui High School
Victoria University of Wellington
University of Otago
Harrison College Muncie
University of the West of England
Langley School
University of Missouri St Louis
Surrey School District
Indiana University-Purdue University,Indianapolis
Buckingham Browne Nichols School
Dalhousie University
Mueller College
Trinity Catholic High School
Green Bay High School
Pakuranga College
Carmel College
Auckland International College;奥克兰aic
Bayfield High School
Wellington College of Education
Unitec Institute of Technology
Wanganui High School
Victoria University of Wellington
University of Otago
Harrison College Muncie
University of the West of England
Langley School
University of Missouri St Louis
Surrey School District
Indiana University-Purdue University,Indianapolis
Buckingham Browne Nichols School
Dalhousie University
Mueller College
Trinity Catholic High School
Green Bay High School
Pakuranga College
Carmel College
Auckland International College;奥克兰aic
Bayfield High School
Wellington College of Education
Unitec Institute of Technology
Wanganui High School
Victoria University of Wellington
University of Otago