Wellington East Girls’ College成立于1925年。该学校专著服务于生活在首都市内和东南区的家庭,并且非常需求高质量的女子教育,同时也对其他地区的家庭提供限额的服务。学校所在的Mount Victoria半山腰上,可以俯瞰首都市貌和码头的优美景色。学校还拥有非常雄厚的基础设施,大部分的建筑都已经被列入到了“历史文物建筑基金会”。
Wellington East Girls‘ College是一个专为女子设置的学校。该校的学习成绩一直位于前列,受到大多数家庭的称赞和支持。同时该校尊重和融入不同国家的历史文化,国际留学生在这里感受到国际大家庭的教育。
> 学费:新西兰元13,500
> 申请费:200新西兰元
> 住宿安排费:400新西兰元
> 寄宿家庭费:220新西兰元/ 周
> 校服费:750新西兰元
> 保险费:490新西兰元
Xavier University
The University of Sussex
Bay Ridge Preparatory Academy
University of Central Florida
University of North Carolina,Greensboro
Saint Bede Academy
Canley Vale High School
The Art Institute of Tucson
Loyola Marymount University
Castle Hill High School
Massey High School
lindisfarne college
The University of Waikato
New Zealand College of Chiropractic
Long Bay College
Otago Girls High School
Auckland Institute of Studies
Green Bay High School
Te Kura Toi Whakaari O Aotearoa: New Zealand Drama School
Bethlehem College
Xavier University
The University of Sussex
Bay Ridge Preparatory Academy
University of Central Florida
University of North Carolina,Greensboro
Saint Bede Academy
Canley Vale High School
The Art Institute of Tucson
Loyola Marymount University
Castle Hill High School
Massey High School
lindisfarne college
The University of Waikato
New Zealand College of Chiropractic
Long Bay College
Otago Girls High School
Auckland Institute of Studies
Green Bay High School
Te Kura Toi Whakaari O Aotearoa: New Zealand Drama School
Bethlehem College
Xavier University
The University of Sussex
Bay Ridge Preparatory Academy
University of Central Florida
University of North Carolina,Greensboro
Saint Bede Academy
Canley Vale High School
The Art Institute of Tucson
Loyola Marymount University
Castle Hill High School
Massey High School
lindisfarne college
The University of Waikato
New Zealand College of Chiropractic
Long Bay College
Otago Girls High School
Auckland Institute of Studies
Green Bay High School
Te Kura Toi Whakaari O Aotearoa: New Zealand Drama School
Bethlehem College
Xavier University
The University of Sussex
Bay Ridge Preparatory Academy
University of Central Florida
University of North Carolina,Greensboro
Saint Bede Academy
Canley Vale High School
The Art Institute of Tucson
Loyola Marymount University
Castle Hill High School
Massey High School
lindisfarne college
The University of Waikato
New Zealand College of Chiropractic
Long Bay College
Otago Girls High School
Auckland Institute of Studies
Green Bay High School
Te Kura Toi Whakaari O Aotearoa: New Zealand Drama School
Bethlehem College
Xavier University
The University of Sussex
Bay Ridge Preparatory Academy
University of Central Florida
University of North Carolina,Greensboro
Saint Bede Academy
Canley Vale High School
The Art Institute of Tucson
Loyola Marymount University
Castle Hill High School
Massey High School
lindisfarne college
The University of Waikato
New Zealand College of Chiropractic
Long Bay College
Otago Girls High School
Auckland Institute of Studies
Green Bay High School
Te Kura Toi Whakaari O Aotearoa: New Zealand Drama School
Bethlehem College