ACE at LPHS Private Bag 1905 Dunedin 9054
罗根园高中是所男女合校的学校,建立于1974年,座落在但尼丁市的大学区内,环境非常的优美。 罗根园高中一向以其“多国”及“多文化”的特点而感到无比的骄傲。学校除了努力为来自世界不同角落的学生提供高质量的教育外,更为就读期间的国际学生安排既“安全”又“亲切”的家庭以供住宿。所有课程活动都由经验丰富的老师或专业指导员带领,主要目的在于启发学生的濳能,使学生在学业以及课外活动当中都能学习运用并能充份发挥各自的才能和天赋。国际学生在罗根园高中的日子里在学术,文化和运动等方面的贡献及成就。对学校来说是最珍贵的了。
(6)为学生仔细挑选“安全”、“亲切”的住宿家庭, 使学生在学习期间生活愉快。
Fairmont State University
The Illinois Institute of Art Chicago
East Doncaster Secondary College
Hesston College
Champlain College
Brentwood School
Anna Maria College
Texarkana College
Nichols School
Victor Harbor High School
New Zealand International College
Waiariki Institute of Technology
Linwood College
Onslow College
Westlake Girls High School
Eastern Institute of Technology
Auckland Grammar School
Christchurch Boys
Newlands College
Hutt Valley High School
Fairmont State University
The Illinois Institute of Art Chicago
East Doncaster Secondary College
Hesston College
Champlain College
Brentwood School
Anna Maria College
Texarkana College
Nichols School
Victor Harbor High School
New Zealand International College
Waiariki Institute of Technology
Linwood College
Onslow College
Westlake Girls High School
Eastern Institute of Technology
Auckland Grammar School
Christchurch Boys
Newlands College
Hutt Valley High School
年均学费12500 纽币
Fairmont State University
The Illinois Institute of Art Chicago
East Doncaster Secondary College
Hesston College
Champlain College
Brentwood School
Anna Maria College
Texarkana College
Nichols School
Victor Harbor High School
New Zealand International College
Waiariki Institute of Technology
Linwood College
Onslow College
Westlake Girls High School
Eastern Institute of Technology
Auckland Grammar School
Christchurch Boys
Newlands College
Hutt Valley High School
Fairmont State University
The Illinois Institute of Art Chicago
East Doncaster Secondary College
Hesston College
Champlain College
Brentwood School
Anna Maria College
Texarkana College
Nichols School
Victor Harbor High School
New Zealand International College
Waiariki Institute of Technology
Linwood College
Onslow College
Westlake Girls High School
Eastern Institute of Technology
Auckland Grammar School
Christchurch Boys
Newlands College
Hutt Valley High School
Fairmont State University
The Illinois Institute of Art Chicago
East Doncaster Secondary College
Hesston College
Champlain College
Brentwood School
Anna Maria College
Texarkana College
Nichols School
Victor Harbor High School
New Zealand International College
Waiariki Institute of Technology
Linwood College
Onslow College
Westlake Girls High School
Eastern Institute of Technology
Auckland Grammar School
Christchurch Boys
Newlands College
Hutt Valley High School