Jerrabomberra Avenue, Narrabundah ACT 2604
纳拉布达学院的成立是在1974年导致其本身的教育系统法发展。 新制度意味着公立学校将只有7至10年级教起,而11和12年级大学将是一个单独的完成。该预先存在的纳拉布达高中再次学院形成为纳拉布达
学院校园位于郊区纳拉布达,堪培拉。资讯科技学院由一二级几个建筑物,包括大型的"S座",这本来是独立的高级建设和12年11之前,学校成为。 除1 四合院和一个食堂 ,学院还拥有宽敞的操场上,学生可以用自己的空闲时间,靠近高尔夫球场,公共椭圆形和当地商店。
2006年,918名学生的学生就读于纳拉布达学院,有9121能力。86% 的面积学院的优先入学的大学生年龄的学生在参加纳拉布达,但63%学生的学校就读于没有生活在优先入学方面。
阿纳拉布达大学生非常高的比例是谁一毕业,12年级证书也获得阿拉伯投资者联盟,继续在大学学习。在2007年的418学生获颁证书的12年,77%被授予高等教育报表。2007年,阿拉伯投资者联盟中位数1369大学生纳拉布达为85比79,平均各高校的学生ACT的跨越。2007 年超过87%的学生从该学院颁发的发言高等教育谁是他们的阿拉伯投资者联盟得分超过65比79 %的ACT的学生。 [6] 80名学生分别获得了职业证书,并在2007年166名学生颁发职业素养的声明。
纳拉布达学院由一个讲英语背景的学生人数大量从国外和不作为学校的学生在堪培拉与大多数外国。 目前,相当多的外交交流,与国际纳拉布达民办高校学生(在IPS)的研究。 学院还以学生的人数大量中国,朝鲜和越南民族。
Narrabundah College is able to offer a wide range of courses at Tertiary (T) and Accredited (A) levels, in addition to vocational courses and "R" units which are recreation/registered units. 纳拉布达学院能够提供一个(t范围广泛的高等教育课程)和认可(A)水平,除了职业课程和"R"的单位是娱乐/注册单位。
Narrabundah College is notable for its community of students and teachers who hail from a diverse range of nationalities. The languages available for study at Narrabundah College are: 纳拉布达学院冰雹值得注意的谁是它的社区的学生和教师从各种不同的民族。 纳拉布达提供的语言学院学习的是:
Chinese 中文
French 法国的
German 德语
Hindi 印地文
Indonesian 印度尼西亚
Italian 意大利的
Japanese 日本
Korean 韩国
Latin 拉丁
Spanish 西班牙语
语言所有这些都提供了三个层次:一开始,持续和先进水平,所研究的层次上的语言知识,取决于学生事先。 也有机会研究学院拉丁美洲通过。
学校还提供法语文凭 。
Avondale College
Shawnigan Lake School
American Advanced Technicians Institute Corporation
Eastern Maine Community College
Cathedral High School
Neosho County Community College
Marymount College
Whitworth University
Vatterott College - Spring Valley Campus
Bellevue University
Lourdes Hill College
Rowville Secondary College
Victoria University Secondary College
Christian Outreach College
Caroline Chisholm School
Upper Coomera State College
Pimlico State High School
Hallett Cove School
Bordertown High School
Ashfield Boys High School
Avondale College
Shawnigan Lake School
American Advanced Technicians Institute Corporation
Eastern Maine Community College
Cathedral High School
Neosho County Community College
Marymount College
Whitworth University
Vatterott College - Spring Valley Campus
Bellevue University
Lourdes Hill College
Rowville Secondary College
Victoria University Secondary College
Christian Outreach College
Caroline Chisholm School
Upper Coomera State College
Pimlico State High School
Hallett Cove School
Bordertown High School
Ashfield Boys High School
Avondale College
Shawnigan Lake School
American Advanced Technicians Institute Corporation
Eastern Maine Community College
Cathedral High School
Neosho County Community College
Marymount College
Whitworth University
Vatterott College - Spring Valley Campus
Bellevue University
Lourdes Hill College
Rowville Secondary College
Victoria University Secondary College
Christian Outreach College
Caroline Chisholm School
Upper Coomera State College
Pimlico State High School
Hallett Cove School
Bordertown High School
Ashfield Boys High School
Avondale College
Shawnigan Lake School
American Advanced Technicians Institute Corporation
Eastern Maine Community College
Cathedral High School
Neosho County Community College
Marymount College
Whitworth University
Vatterott College - Spring Valley Campus
Bellevue University
Lourdes Hill College
Rowville Secondary College
Victoria University Secondary College
Christian Outreach College
Caroline Chisholm School
Upper Coomera State College
Pimlico State High School
Hallett Cove School
Bordertown High School
Ashfield Boys High School
Avondale College
Shawnigan Lake School
American Advanced Technicians Institute Corporation
Eastern Maine Community College
Cathedral High School
Neosho County Community College
Marymount College
Whitworth University
Vatterott College - Spring Valley Campus
Bellevue University
Lourdes Hill College
Rowville Secondary College
Victoria University Secondary College
Christian Outreach College
Caroline Chisholm School
Upper Coomera State College
Pimlico State High School
Hallett Cove School
Bordertown High School
Ashfield Boys High School