60 Aberfeldy Street, Kenmore QLD 4069, Australia
肯摩尔公立中学是昆士兰州学术表现最出色的学校之一,其优秀的课外活动为学校赢得了更多的声誉。学校位于布里斯班绿叶郊区昆士兰大学附近。学校强调价值观,国际学生数量少而多样化,可受到很好的照顾。这些特色真正印证了学校的座右铭“生命教育”(Education for Life)。
1. 学校有很优秀的学术成果,大多数学生毕业后进入大学学习
2. 学校为学生提供了非常广泛科目和活动-每个人都能找到适合自己的
3. 肯摩尔是一个宜人的学习环境-友好而专注
1. 商务通信&技术
2. ICE(笔记本电脑)计划
3. 早期儿童实践
4. 经济学
5. 电影和电视,舞蹈和戏剧
6. 图形和视觉艺术
7. 酒店管理和旅游业
8. 德语环境班
9. 肯摩尔学术竞技项目
10. 法律研究
11. 资讯科技IT及多媒体的研究
12. 科学-物理、化学、生物
13. 优异的学术课程
1. 器乐-乐队,弦乐队,合唱团
2. Leos社区服务俱乐部
3. 夏令营
4. 辩论
1. 德语German
2. 日语Japanese
3. 德语普及German extension
1. 现代表演与视觉艺术中心
2. 活动中心
3. 网络计算机实验室
1. 大多数肯摩尔公立中学学生都进入大学学习
2. 通过昆士兰大学学习普及课程所获奖项
1. National Quality School Award 2007
2. Education Queensland Showcase Award for Excellence
3. Australian Mathematics Competition
4. International language test (Zertifikat Deutsch)
5. National Australia Bank Australian Language Competition
6. International Youth Physics Tournament
7. National Chemistry Quiz
8. Top Award – Australian Schools’ Science and English
9. Australasian Schools Computer Skills Competition
10. State Winner University of NSW Economics Competition
11. Rio Tinto Australian Science Olympiads
12. State Finalist – Instrumental & Choral Fanfare
13. National aerobics champions
University of Wisconsin-Green Bay
Wellington Institute of Technology
Bosworth Independent College
Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary
Cornerstone Christian School
Loma Linda University
James Ruse Agricultural High School
Lancaster Mennonite School
Loughborough University
Queen’s College
Pasadena High School
Alstonville High School
(Griffith University)Queensland Institute of Business &Technology
Upper Coomera State College
James Cook University
Mackay North State High School
Mt. Lawley Senior High School
Cavendish Road State High School
Victoria University Secondary College
Coolum Beach Christian College
University of Wisconsin-Green Bay
Wellington Institute of Technology
Bosworth Independent College
Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary
Cornerstone Christian School
Loma Linda University
James Ruse Agricultural High School
Lancaster Mennonite School
Loughborough University
Queen’s College
Pasadena High School
Alstonville High School
(Griffith University)Queensland Institute of Business &Technology
Upper Coomera State College
James Cook University
Mackay North State High School
Mt. Lawley Senior High School
Cavendish Road State High School
Victoria University Secondary College
Coolum Beach Christian College
University of Wisconsin-Green Bay
Wellington Institute of Technology
Bosworth Independent College
Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary
Cornerstone Christian School
Loma Linda University
James Ruse Agricultural High School
Lancaster Mennonite School
Loughborough University
Queen’s College
Pasadena High School
Alstonville High School
(Griffith University)Queensland Institute of Business &Technology
Upper Coomera State College
James Cook University
Mackay North State High School
Mt. Lawley Senior High School
Cavendish Road State High School
Victoria University Secondary College
Coolum Beach Christian College
University of Wisconsin-Green Bay
Wellington Institute of Technology
Bosworth Independent College
Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary
Cornerstone Christian School
Loma Linda University
James Ruse Agricultural High School
Lancaster Mennonite School
Loughborough University
Queen’s College
Pasadena High School
Alstonville High School
(Griffith University)Queensland Institute of Business &Technology
Upper Coomera State College
James Cook University
Mackay North State High School
Mt. Lawley Senior High School
Cavendish Road State High School
Victoria University Secondary College
Coolum Beach Christian College
University of Wisconsin-Green Bay
Wellington Institute of Technology
Bosworth Independent College
Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary
Cornerstone Christian School
Loma Linda University
James Ruse Agricultural High School
Lancaster Mennonite School
Loughborough University
Queen’s College
Pasadena High School
Alstonville High School
(Griffith University)Queensland Institute of Business &Technology
Upper Coomera State College
James Cook University
Mackay North State High School
Mt. Lawley Senior High School
Cavendish Road State High School
Victoria University Secondary College
Coolum Beach Christian College