Fairlie Terrace, Salisbury QLD 4107, Australia
1. 个性课程(学术及职业课程均包括)
2. 热诚的支持型学校社区,经验丰富的国际学生计划员工
3. 宽敞自然的环境,有利于学习
1. 学校定向课程
2. 多元文化庆祝活动
3. 学生领导课程
4. 器乐节目
5. 舞台乐队和合唱团
6. 以学校为基础的培训和实习
7. 职业教育课程
8. 课后辅导服务
9. Chaplaincy服务
10. 以学校为基础的保健护士服务
1. 酒店管理
2. 汉语演讲比赛
3. 收音机尼安达Radio Nyanda
4. 音乐比赛
5. 演讲竞赛
6. 优化思想Opti-Minds
1. 汉语Chinese
2. 日语Japanese
1. 设备齐全的会议厅
2. 国际学生中心
3. 科学和计算机实验室
4. 戏剧综合设施和音乐工作室
5. 手工艺术和工业中心
6. 食品研究和酒店管理中心
7. 艺术综合设施
8. 幼儿中心
9. 水栽培和植物繁殖设施
10. 在许多教室配有电子白板
11. Computer pods计算机吊舱在若干领域
12. 体育场、球场和设施
1. 与昆士兰主要大学都有紧密联系-昆士兰大学、昆士兰科技大学、格里菲斯大学、中央昆士兰大学、昆士兰商务技术学院
1. Brisbane Bands Festival - Gold 2006, Silver 2007
2. Rising Chefs Culinary Challenge - Gold, Silver 2007
3. Cake Decorators' Association Competition - Second Place 2007
4. RNA 2007 Cake Decorating - Silver & Bronze awards
5. Culinary Showcase for Secondary Schools 2007
6. Catering Student of the Year, Best Live Cook-Off
1. 一年两次滑雪之旅
2. 音乐
3. 游学
4. 天才表演Talent Quest
University of Wisconsin-Green Bay
Wellington Institute of Technology
Bosworth Independent College
Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary
Cornerstone Christian School
Loma Linda University
James Ruse Agricultural High School
Lancaster Mennonite School
Loughborough University
Queen’s College
Pasadena High School
Alstonville High School
(Griffith University)Queensland Institute of Business &Technology
Upper Coomera State College
James Cook University
Mackay North State High School
Mt. Lawley Senior High School
Cavendish Road State High School
Victoria University Secondary College
Coolum Beach Christian College
University of Wisconsin-Green Bay
Wellington Institute of Technology
Bosworth Independent College
Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary
Cornerstone Christian School
Loma Linda University
James Ruse Agricultural High School
Lancaster Mennonite School
Loughborough University
Queen’s College
Pasadena High School
Alstonville High School
(Griffith University)Queensland Institute of Business &Technology
Upper Coomera State College
James Cook University
Mackay North State High School
Mt. Lawley Senior High School
Cavendish Road State High School
Victoria University Secondary College
Coolum Beach Christian College
University of Wisconsin-Green Bay
Wellington Institute of Technology
Bosworth Independent College
Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary
Cornerstone Christian School
Loma Linda University
James Ruse Agricultural High School
Lancaster Mennonite School
Loughborough University
Queen’s College
Pasadena High School
Alstonville High School
(Griffith University)Queensland Institute of Business &Technology
Upper Coomera State College
James Cook University
Mackay North State High School
Mt. Lawley Senior High School
Cavendish Road State High School
Victoria University Secondary College
Coolum Beach Christian College
University of Wisconsin-Green Bay
Wellington Institute of Technology
Bosworth Independent College
Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary
Cornerstone Christian School
Loma Linda University
James Ruse Agricultural High School
Lancaster Mennonite School
Loughborough University
Queen’s College
Pasadena High School
Alstonville High School
(Griffith University)Queensland Institute of Business &Technology
Upper Coomera State College
James Cook University
Mackay North State High School
Mt. Lawley Senior High School
Cavendish Road State High School
Victoria University Secondary College
Coolum Beach Christian College
University of Wisconsin-Green Bay
Wellington Institute of Technology
Bosworth Independent College
Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary
Cornerstone Christian School
Loma Linda University
James Ruse Agricultural High School
Lancaster Mennonite School
Loughborough University
Queen’s College
Pasadena High School
Alstonville High School
(Griffith University)Queensland Institute of Business &Technology
Upper Coomera State College
James Cook University
Mackay North State High School
Mt. Lawley Senior High School
Cavendish Road State High School
Victoria University Secondary College
Coolum Beach Christian College