254 Pease St, Edge Hill QLD 4870
Our Vision:
Edge Hill State School aims to educate the child as an individual; a communicator; a group member; and a part of the physical world so that our students are prepared for living in and contributing to a global society and working in a global economy.
Our Service Commitment:
Every day, in every classroom, every student is learning and achieving.
Our Values:
Responsibility; Personal dignity, self worth and awareness; Initiative and risk taking in learning; Interdependence, co-operation, care and tolerance; Life-long commitment to learning; Diversity.
The Leading Edge
Our school vision and values are enacted through a set of guiding principles for every member of our school community.
Learning at Edge Hill State School:
Western State Colorado University
Deerfield Academy
Charles of Italy Bty College & Mass. Ther. School
South Shore Christian Academy
VanderCook College of Music
Eastern Maine Community College
Sydney Girls High School
Reading Blue Coat School
Trinity Lutheran College
Uppingham School
Wollongong High School of the Performing Arts
Christian Outreach College
Elanora State High School
William Light R-12 School
Mentone Girls' Grammar School
Dandenong High School
Melba Copland Secondary School
Morley Senior High School
Carwatha College P-12
Murdoch University
Western State Colorado University
Deerfield Academy
Charles of Italy Bty College & Mass. Ther. School
South Shore Christian Academy
VanderCook College of Music
Eastern Maine Community College
Sydney Girls High School
Reading Blue Coat School
Trinity Lutheran College
Uppingham School
Wollongong High School of the Performing Arts
Christian Outreach College
Elanora State High School
William Light R-12 School
Mentone Girls' Grammar School
Dandenong High School
Melba Copland Secondary School
Morley Senior High School
Carwatha College P-12
Murdoch University
Western State Colorado University
Deerfield Academy
Charles of Italy Bty College & Mass. Ther. School
South Shore Christian Academy
VanderCook College of Music
Eastern Maine Community College
Sydney Girls High School
Reading Blue Coat School
Trinity Lutheran College
Uppingham School
Wollongong High School of the Performing Arts
Christian Outreach College
Elanora State High School
William Light R-12 School
Mentone Girls' Grammar School
Dandenong High School
Melba Copland Secondary School
Morley Senior High School
Carwatha College P-12
Murdoch University
Western State Colorado University
Deerfield Academy
Charles of Italy Bty College & Mass. Ther. School
South Shore Christian Academy
VanderCook College of Music
Eastern Maine Community College
Sydney Girls High School
Reading Blue Coat School
Trinity Lutheran College
Uppingham School
Wollongong High School of the Performing Arts
Christian Outreach College
Elanora State High School
William Light R-12 School
Mentone Girls' Grammar School
Dandenong High School
Melba Copland Secondary School
Morley Senior High School
Carwatha College P-12
Murdoch University
Western State Colorado University
Deerfield Academy
Charles of Italy Bty College & Mass. Ther. School
South Shore Christian Academy
VanderCook College of Music
Eastern Maine Community College
Sydney Girls High School
Reading Blue Coat School
Trinity Lutheran College
Uppingham School
Wollongong High School of the Performing Arts
Christian Outreach College
Elanora State High School
William Light R-12 School
Mentone Girls' Grammar School
Dandenong High School
Melba Copland Secondary School
Morley Senior High School
Carwatha College P-12
Murdoch University