麦克纳利史密斯音乐学院坐落于美国的明尼苏达州圣保罗市,学院的学生都能接受到个性化的音乐教育,并有环境广泛地接触最新的音乐科技技术,研究工具和表演设施,McNally Smith 学院的毕业生广布全球,在很多领域和行业都建树良多。
学校主要以现代流行音乐教学为主,着重培养现代音乐实用性、复合型人才。相对于传统音乐,学生毕业后,就业方向广阔。主要就业方向:演员、编辑、DJ 师,指挥,录音师,音频制作,MIDI专家,大型演出现场MC,电影配乐,私人指导,音乐导演,音乐制作人、音乐节目主持人、音乐教师和艺术经纪等。 学校的就业中心将为学生确定学习目标,探索职业选择等。所有在校学习的学生都可以获得由学校提供的暑期实习和课余兼职的工作机会。同时学校将提供给即将毕业学生独一无二的带薪实习机会,来支持学生的学术研究;推荐学生至百余家的合作伙伴公司学习工作;随时提供第一手的就业信息等。例如音乐表演专业的学生可以到游轮巡演的交响乐队进行带薪实习等。
Methodist Theological School in Ohio
Florida Air Academy
Adams State College
KeySkills Learning
The Art Institute of Philadelphia
Bronte College
Darrow School
Burlington Christian Academy
The City University of New York
Fraser Valley Adventist Academy
Paul D. Camp Community College
Westfield State University
Lake Forest Academy
Muskingum University
SUNY College of Technology at Canton
University of Pennsylvania
Western Pacific Truck School
Gallaudet University
Mayer Lutheran High School
Rancho Solano Preparatory School
Methodist Theological School in Ohio
Florida Air Academy
Adams State College
KeySkills Learning
The Art Institute of Philadelphia
Bronte College
Darrow School
Burlington Christian Academy
The City University of New York
Fraser Valley Adventist Academy
Paul D. Camp Community College
Westfield State University
Lake Forest Academy
Muskingum University
SUNY College of Technology at Canton
University of Pennsylvania
Western Pacific Truck School
Gallaudet University
Mayer Lutheran High School
Rancho Solano Preparatory School
年均学费14200 美金
Methodist Theological School in Ohio
Florida Air Academy
Adams State College
KeySkills Learning
The Art Institute of Philadelphia
Bronte College
Darrow School
Burlington Christian Academy
The City University of New York
Fraser Valley Adventist Academy
Paul D. Camp Community College
Westfield State University
Lake Forest Academy
Muskingum University
SUNY College of Technology at Canton
University of Pennsylvania
Western Pacific Truck School
Gallaudet University
Mayer Lutheran High School
Rancho Solano Preparatory School
Methodist Theological School in Ohio
Florida Air Academy
Adams State College
KeySkills Learning
The Art Institute of Philadelphia
Bronte College
Darrow School
Burlington Christian Academy
The City University of New York
Fraser Valley Adventist Academy
Paul D. Camp Community College
Westfield State University
Lake Forest Academy
Muskingum University
SUNY College of Technology at Canton
University of Pennsylvania
Western Pacific Truck School
Gallaudet University
Mayer Lutheran High School
Rancho Solano Preparatory School
Methodist Theological School in Ohio
Florida Air Academy
Adams State College
KeySkills Learning
The Art Institute of Philadelphia
Bronte College
Darrow School
Burlington Christian Academy
The City University of New York
Fraser Valley Adventist Academy
Paul D. Camp Community College
Westfield State University
Lake Forest Academy
Muskingum University
SUNY College of Technology at Canton
University of Pennsylvania
Western Pacific Truck School
Gallaudet University
Mayer Lutheran High School
Rancho Solano Preparatory School