卡森纽曼学院是美国东部地区一所私立浸信会学院,成立于1851年,以良好地融合学术与宗教而著称。学院可授予学士和硕士学位。目前有在校本科生2000人,研究生150人,学生分别来自美国41个州和22个国家。学院共设有53个专业。1997年学院被美国《货币》 杂志评为百所优质大学之一。1993年成为入选国家教育学习计划的17所大学之一。
卡森纽曼学院位于美国田纳西州杰佛逊市,东临著名的自然保护区和国家公园-大烟山,向西25英里即可到达诺克斯维尔,驾车只需40分钟。田纳西州是美国的音乐之乡,气候温暖湿润,四季分明。 夏季平均温度 为25℃,冬季为4.4℃。学院所在的杰佛逊市民风纯朴、治安良好,人口约7500人。
Avondale College
Shawnigan Lake School
American Advanced Technicians Institute Corporation
Eastern Maine Community College
Cathedral High School
Neosho County Community College
Marymount College
Whitworth University
Vatterott College - Spring Valley Campus
Bellevue University
Reed College
East Mississippi Community College
Whitman College
Dakota Wesleyan University
San Francisco Art Institute (San Francisco)
Charles Wright Academy
Trinity Lutheran College
Wentworth Institute of Technology
The Ohio State University,Columbus
Victor Valley College
Avondale College
Shawnigan Lake School
American Advanced Technicians Institute Corporation
Eastern Maine Community College
Cathedral High School
Neosho County Community College
Marymount College
Whitworth University
Vatterott College - Spring Valley Campus
Bellevue University
Reed College
East Mississippi Community College
Whitman College
Dakota Wesleyan University
San Francisco Art Institute (San Francisco)
Charles Wright Academy
Trinity Lutheran College
Wentworth Institute of Technology
The Ohio State University,Columbus
Victor Valley College
年均学费26700 美金
Avondale College
Shawnigan Lake School
American Advanced Technicians Institute Corporation
Eastern Maine Community College
Cathedral High School
Neosho County Community College
Marymount College
Whitworth University
Vatterott College - Spring Valley Campus
Bellevue University
Reed College
East Mississippi Community College
Whitman College
Dakota Wesleyan University
San Francisco Art Institute (San Francisco)
Charles Wright Academy
Trinity Lutheran College
Wentworth Institute of Technology
The Ohio State University,Columbus
Victor Valley College
Avondale College
Shawnigan Lake School
American Advanced Technicians Institute Corporation
Eastern Maine Community College
Cathedral High School
Neosho County Community College
Marymount College
Whitworth University
Vatterott College - Spring Valley Campus
Bellevue University
Reed College
East Mississippi Community College
Whitman College
Dakota Wesleyan University
San Francisco Art Institute (San Francisco)
Charles Wright Academy
Trinity Lutheran College
Wentworth Institute of Technology
The Ohio State University,Columbus
Victor Valley College
Avondale College
Shawnigan Lake School
American Advanced Technicians Institute Corporation
Eastern Maine Community College
Cathedral High School
Neosho County Community College
Marymount College
Whitworth University
Vatterott College - Spring Valley Campus
Bellevue University
Reed College
East Mississippi Community College
Whitman College
Dakota Wesleyan University
San Francisco Art Institute (San Francisco)
Charles Wright Academy
Trinity Lutheran College
Wentworth Institute of Technology
The Ohio State University,Columbus
Victor Valley College