位于加州伯克利的太平洋路德教会神学院是福音路德教会在美国(ELCA)的附属学校,是神学研究学校联盟(GTU)的会员之一 。太平洋路德教会神学院成立于1950年,1952年招收了第一批学生,是美国路德教会在美国的第一个成立的神学院。作为美国路德教会在每个的八个培训教育机构之一的太平洋路德学院在1910年至1934年之间曾多次搬迁,最初坐落于俄勒冈州波特兰市,然后在西雅图,华盛顿。
University of Wisconsin-Green Bay
Wellington Institute of Technology
Bosworth Independent College
Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary
Cornerstone Christian School
Loma Linda University
James Ruse Agricultural High School
Lancaster Mennonite School
Loughborough University
Queen’s College
Calvin Christian School
Des Moines Area Community College
Kent School
Saint Augustine's University
Bethesda Christian University
Randolph College
Vatterott College
Utah State University
Concordia University Wisconsin
Philadelphia University
University of Wisconsin-Green Bay
Wellington Institute of Technology
Bosworth Independent College
Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary
Cornerstone Christian School
Loma Linda University
James Ruse Agricultural High School
Lancaster Mennonite School
Loughborough University
Queen’s College
Calvin Christian School
Des Moines Area Community College
Kent School
Saint Augustine's University
Bethesda Christian University
Randolph College
Vatterott College
Utah State University
Concordia University Wisconsin
Philadelphia University
年均学费5982 美金
University of Wisconsin-Green Bay
Wellington Institute of Technology
Bosworth Independent College
Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary
Cornerstone Christian School
Loma Linda University
James Ruse Agricultural High School
Lancaster Mennonite School
Loughborough University
Queen’s College
Calvin Christian School
Des Moines Area Community College
Kent School
Saint Augustine's University
Bethesda Christian University
Randolph College
Vatterott College
Utah State University
Concordia University Wisconsin
Philadelphia University
University of Wisconsin-Green Bay
Wellington Institute of Technology
Bosworth Independent College
Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary
Cornerstone Christian School
Loma Linda University
James Ruse Agricultural High School
Lancaster Mennonite School
Loughborough University
Queen’s College
Calvin Christian School
Des Moines Area Community College
Kent School
Saint Augustine's University
Bethesda Christian University
Randolph College
Vatterott College
Utah State University
Concordia University Wisconsin
Philadelphia University
University of Wisconsin-Green Bay
Wellington Institute of Technology
Bosworth Independent College
Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary
Cornerstone Christian School
Loma Linda University
James Ruse Agricultural High School
Lancaster Mennonite School
Loughborough University
Queen’s College
Calvin Christian School
Des Moines Area Community College
Kent School
Saint Augustine's University
Bethesda Christian University
Randolph College
Vatterott College
Utah State University
Concordia University Wisconsin
Philadelphia University