58 Douglas Rd,BLACKTOWN NSW 2148
. 学校离悉尼市中心45分钟火车路程;
. 师生比例1:7左右;
. 学费: 10年级(15777澳元/年);11年级-12年级(16418澳元/年);
. 国际学生所占比例不到5%;
. 12年级毕业生进入大学的比例为92%。大部分学生就读悉尼地区大学。
2012年,12年级共52位学生,48位学生进入大学(其中3位学生参加旅游,延长入读大学), 4位学生直接就业,2位学生毕业后成为学徒。
Harrison College Muncie
University of the West of England
Langley School
University of Missouri St Louis
Surrey School District
Indiana University-Purdue University,Indianapolis
Buckingham Browne Nichols School
Dalhousie University
Mueller College
Trinity Catholic High School
Pasadena High School
Alstonville High School
(Griffith University)Queensland Institute of Business &Technology
Upper Coomera State College
James Cook University
Mackay North State High School
Mt. Lawley Senior High School
Cavendish Road State High School
Victoria University Secondary College
Coolum Beach Christian College
Harrison College Muncie
University of the West of England
Langley School
University of Missouri St Louis
Surrey School District
Indiana University-Purdue University,Indianapolis
Buckingham Browne Nichols School
Dalhousie University
Mueller College
Trinity Catholic High School
Pasadena High School
Alstonville High School
(Griffith University)Queensland Institute of Business &Technology
Upper Coomera State College
James Cook University
Mackay North State High School
Mt. Lawley Senior High School
Cavendish Road State High School
Victoria University Secondary College
Coolum Beach Christian College
Harrison College Muncie
University of the West of England
Langley School
University of Missouri St Louis
Surrey School District
Indiana University-Purdue University,Indianapolis
Buckingham Browne Nichols School
Dalhousie University
Mueller College
Trinity Catholic High School
Pasadena High School
Alstonville High School
(Griffith University)Queensland Institute of Business &Technology
Upper Coomera State College
James Cook University
Mackay North State High School
Mt. Lawley Senior High School
Cavendish Road State High School
Victoria University Secondary College
Coolum Beach Christian College
Harrison College Muncie
University of the West of England
Langley School
University of Missouri St Louis
Surrey School District
Indiana University-Purdue University,Indianapolis
Buckingham Browne Nichols School
Dalhousie University
Mueller College
Trinity Catholic High School
Pasadena High School
Alstonville High School
(Griffith University)Queensland Institute of Business &Technology
Upper Coomera State College
James Cook University
Mackay North State High School
Mt. Lawley Senior High School
Cavendish Road State High School
Victoria University Secondary College
Coolum Beach Christian College
Harrison College Muncie
University of the West of England
Langley School
University of Missouri St Louis
Surrey School District
Indiana University-Purdue University,Indianapolis
Buckingham Browne Nichols School
Dalhousie University
Mueller College
Trinity Catholic High School
Pasadena High School
Alstonville High School
(Griffith University)Queensland Institute of Business &Technology
Upper Coomera State College
James Cook University
Mackay North State High School
Mt. Lawley Senior High School
Cavendish Road State High School
Victoria University Secondary College
Coolum Beach Christian College