麦基约有7.8万人口(澳洲降灵节圣公会学校位于北部郊区,可在校园地图和学生行事历中查看具体位置),位于昆士兰北部Pioneer River河流两岸的河口,可算是昆士兰沿岸景色最优美的城市,除了珊瑚礁、热带雨林、优美沙滩及远离人间烟火的岛屿之外,还有高耸入云的山峦、陡峭的峡谷,急湍的溪流。
Southern Adventist University
Everest College-San Bernardino
University of Mount Union
Kenmore State High School
University for the Creative Arts
Chatham Christian Schools
New River Community College
Baker University
Remington College-Memphis Campus
University of Tennessee at Chattanooga
Concordia Lutheran College
Atherton State High School
Crestwood High School
The Australian National University
Calwell High School
Bossley Park High School
Wanniassa School
Amaroo School
Charles Campbell College
Sydney Grammar School
Southern Adventist University
Everest College-San Bernardino
University of Mount Union
Kenmore State High School
University for the Creative Arts
Chatham Christian Schools
New River Community College
Baker University
Remington College-Memphis Campus
University of Tennessee at Chattanooga
Concordia Lutheran College
Atherton State High School
Crestwood High School
The Australian National University
Calwell High School
Bossley Park High School
Wanniassa School
Amaroo School
Charles Campbell College
Sydney Grammar School
Southern Adventist University
Everest College-San Bernardino
University of Mount Union
Kenmore State High School
University for the Creative Arts
Chatham Christian Schools
New River Community College
Baker University
Remington College-Memphis Campus
University of Tennessee at Chattanooga
Concordia Lutheran College
Atherton State High School
Crestwood High School
The Australian National University
Calwell High School
Bossley Park High School
Wanniassa School
Amaroo School
Charles Campbell College
Sydney Grammar School
Southern Adventist University
Everest College-San Bernardino
University of Mount Union
Kenmore State High School
University for the Creative Arts
Chatham Christian Schools
New River Community College
Baker University
Remington College-Memphis Campus
University of Tennessee at Chattanooga
Concordia Lutheran College
Atherton State High School
Crestwood High School
The Australian National University
Calwell High School
Bossley Park High School
Wanniassa School
Amaroo School
Charles Campbell College
Sydney Grammar School
Southern Adventist University
Everest College-San Bernardino
University of Mount Union
Kenmore State High School
University for the Creative Arts
Chatham Christian Schools
New River Community College
Baker University
Remington College-Memphis Campus
University of Tennessee at Chattanooga
Concordia Lutheran College
Atherton State High School
Crestwood High School
The Australian National University
Calwell High School
Bossley Park High School
Wanniassa School
Amaroo School
Charles Campbell College
Sydney Grammar School