成立于1943年,格雷斯原本打算作为一个跨门基督教圣经学院在男性和女性可能进一步神学培训。在10门部长算作格雷斯的创始人(八月Ewert ,阿尔贝Ewert ,阿尔贝舒尔茨,彼得Kliewer,保罗库尔曼,哈罗德伯克霍尔德,约翰Barkman,甲烷Suckau,索罗门Mouttet,约翰Tieszen)原来开会讨论搬迁圣经部俄克拉何马州圣经学院。经过数天的祈祷,他们决定什么是真正需要的是一个地方的高等教育。
从原来的三场大满贯赛提供,格雷斯已经成长为本科生提供17度和两个研究生学位。热门项目包括牧区部委,心理学,音乐,师范教育。目前大约有500名学生参加。格雷斯的设施包括一个先进的广泛神学图书馆,一个新的健身房(这是主办NCCAA二司排球全国Chamiponships 2007年和2008年),一个新的师范教育改造部,并在每一个局域网连接宿舍。
Moore Catholic High School
Tucson College
Trident University International
The Catholic University of America
North Brisbane Institute of TAFE
University of London
Northeastern University
White Mountains Community College
St. Maria Goretti High School
Curtin University
Monsignor Edward Pace High School
Blair Academy
Louisiana Tech University
The College of New Jersey
Limestone College
Carl Sandburg College
Chaminade College Preparatory School
Walden University
The University of Utah
Greenfield Community College
Moore Catholic High School
Tucson College
Trident University International
The Catholic University of America
North Brisbane Institute of TAFE
University of London
Northeastern University
White Mountains Community College
St. Maria Goretti High School
Curtin University
Monsignor Edward Pace High School
Blair Academy
Louisiana Tech University
The College of New Jersey
Limestone College
Carl Sandburg College
Chaminade College Preparatory School
Walden University
The University of Utah
Greenfield Community College
年均学费22120 美金
Moore Catholic High School
Tucson College
Trident University International
The Catholic University of America
North Brisbane Institute of TAFE
University of London
Northeastern University
White Mountains Community College
St. Maria Goretti High School
Curtin University
Monsignor Edward Pace High School
Blair Academy
Louisiana Tech University
The College of New Jersey
Limestone College
Carl Sandburg College
Chaminade College Preparatory School
Walden University
The University of Utah
Greenfield Community College
Moore Catholic High School
Tucson College
Trident University International
The Catholic University of America
North Brisbane Institute of TAFE
University of London
Northeastern University
White Mountains Community College
St. Maria Goretti High School
Curtin University
Monsignor Edward Pace High School
Blair Academy
Louisiana Tech University
The College of New Jersey
Limestone College
Carl Sandburg College
Chaminade College Preparatory School
Walden University
The University of Utah
Greenfield Community College
Moore Catholic High School
Tucson College
Trident University International
The Catholic University of America
North Brisbane Institute of TAFE
University of London
Northeastern University
White Mountains Community College
St. Maria Goretti High School
Curtin University
Monsignor Edward Pace High School
Blair Academy
Louisiana Tech University
The College of New Jersey
Limestone College
Carl Sandburg College
Chaminade College Preparatory School
Walden University
The University of Utah
Greenfield Community College