144 N. Craig Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15213
【认证机构】Middle States Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools 、National Catholic Educational Association (NCEA)
【课程设置】100多门课程,四种不同的学习安排-Advanced Placement(AP),College Equivalency(CE),Honors(Hon),College Preparatory(CP)
艺术(视觉艺术,studio I必修、Studios II and VI、VII and VIII选修)、新生英文课程、新生大学预备英文课程、美国文学、大学美国文学预备课程、世界文学、文学创作、文学和写作、演讲、辩论、流行文化、中文、法语、西班牙语、拉丁语、意大利语、体育、代数I、代数II、高等代数、几何、微积分I、微积分II、SAT数学、概率论和数理统计、音乐欣赏、合唱、管乐合奏团、声乐、音乐理论、宗教课程、大学预备课程生物I、大学预备课程化学I、大学预备课程物理、大学预备课程生理学、荣誉生物学I、荣誉化学I、荣誉生物学II、荣誉化学II、匹茨堡大学化学物理课程、电子数据收集和分析、世界历史I、世界历史II、美国历史、美国经济政治、跨学科研究论文、哲学简介、心理学简介、哲学II、社会学简介
【AP课程】13门 英文、法语、拉丁语、意大利语、西班牙语、微积分1,2、生物、美国历史、美国政府和政治、世界历史、英国文学等
【荣誉课程】 30多门
【SAT平均分】2011年,Top 10--2007,Top 20 ---1959, 前20%的学生平均--1925
【入学要求】Toefl 或者SLEP 60+ ,skype面试,要求语言流利
(以学校材料为准)学费2012-2013年: $11,550、寄宿及后期管理费用$21000, ESL$1500/期、国际学生健康保险$900、紧急账户押金$1000(毕业可退还)
Southern Adventist University
Everest College-San Bernardino
University of Mount Union
Kenmore State High School
University for the Creative Arts
Chatham Christian Schools
New River Community College
Baker University
Remington College-Memphis Campus
University of Tennessee at Chattanooga
Aims Community College
McPherson College
Faith Christian Academy
Edison Community College
Piedmont College
University of Maryland,College Park
University of Missouri
Bemidji State University
Dominican Academy
The Art Institute of Philadelphia
Southern Adventist University
Everest College-San Bernardino
University of Mount Union
Kenmore State High School
University for the Creative Arts
Chatham Christian Schools
New River Community College
Baker University
Remington College-Memphis Campus
University of Tennessee at Chattanooga
Aims Community College
McPherson College
Faith Christian Academy
Edison Community College
Piedmont College
University of Maryland,College Park
University of Missouri
Bemidji State University
Dominican Academy
The Art Institute of Philadelphia
Southern Adventist University
Everest College-San Bernardino
University of Mount Union
Kenmore State High School
University for the Creative Arts
Chatham Christian Schools
New River Community College
Baker University
Remington College-Memphis Campus
University of Tennessee at Chattanooga
Aims Community College
McPherson College
Faith Christian Academy
Edison Community College
Piedmont College
University of Maryland,College Park
University of Missouri
Bemidji State University
Dominican Academy
The Art Institute of Philadelphia
Southern Adventist University
Everest College-San Bernardino
University of Mount Union
Kenmore State High School
University for the Creative Arts
Chatham Christian Schools
New River Community College
Baker University
Remington College-Memphis Campus
University of Tennessee at Chattanooga
Aims Community College
McPherson College
Faith Christian Academy
Edison Community College
Piedmont College
University of Maryland,College Park
University of Missouri
Bemidji State University
Dominican Academy
The Art Institute of Philadelphia
Southern Adventist University
Everest College-San Bernardino
University of Mount Union
Kenmore State High School
University for the Creative Arts
Chatham Christian Schools
New River Community College
Baker University
Remington College-Memphis Campus
University of Tennessee at Chattanooga
Aims Community College
McPherson College
Faith Christian Academy
Edison Community College
Piedmont College
University of Maryland,College Park
University of Missouri
Bemidji State University
Dominican Academy
The Art Institute of Philadelphia