代数I |
几何学 |
代数学II |
代数学II及三角学 |
三角学/预备微积分 |
AP微积分AB |
AP微积分BC | |
英语9 |
写作 |
预备AP英语 |
美国史 |
AP 语言与写作 |
AP 文学与写作 |
生物I |
预备AP生物 |
化学I |
预备AP化学 |
AP化学 |
AP物理C-力学 |
解剖学&生理学 | |
环境科学 |
美国历史&政府II |
俄克拉荷马州历史 |
美国历史&政府III & IV |
古代世界史 |
欧洲史 |
AP美国政府&政治 |
文化人类学 | |
经济学主体 |
战争中的德国 |
汉语I, II, III |
汉语会话与写作 |
中国文学与写作 |
法语I, II, III |
德语I, II |
当代德国文学 |
德国文学调查 | |
Vergil |
Cicero |
西班牙语I | |
西班牙语交流 |
预备AP西班牙语III |
预备AP西班牙语IV | |
西班牙文学调查 |
当代西班牙语 |
法国文学与写作 | |
《旧约全书》介绍 |
《新约全书》介绍 |
教会史 |
天主教教义 |
基督学 |
护教学 |
天主教社会教义 | |
哲学介绍 |
婚姻与关系 |
对观福音书 | |
演讲I |
演讲II |
辩论; |
音乐剧I |
摄影基础 |
高级摄影学 |
合唱 | |
中级吉他 |
艺术I |
艺术II | |
新闻 |
SAT/ACT预备课程 |
视觉艺术出版物 |
摄影 |
演讲/辩论 |
表演 |
戏剧 | |
合唱 |
乐理 |
铜管乐 | |
钢琴 |
年刊 |
阅读 |
数学 |
写作 |
总分 |
609 |
617 |
612 |
1838 |
571 |
569 |
549 |
1689 |
496 |
514 |
488 |
1498 |
英语 |
数学 |
阅读 |
科学 |
写作 |
28.3 |
27.2 |
27.9 |
26.7 |
27.6 |
2009 |
1999 |
2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2008 |
1989, 1999, 2007, 2008, 2009 |
1993, 1999, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2009 |
1993, 1995, 1997, 2002 |
2006, 2007, 2008, 2010, 2011 |
2006, 2007 |
1982, 1984, 1986, 1988, 1989, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2012 |
1990, 2002, 2004, 2005, 2014 |
1993, 1994 |
1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2011, 2012 |
毕业年份 |
成就 |
1962 |
俄克拉荷马州州长 |
1944 |
塔尔萨市市长 |
1977 |
塔尔萨市市长 |
1997 |
《周六夜现场》演员 |
2000 |
WNBA 队员 |
1994 |
《实习医生格蕾》女星 |
1944 |
前奥古斯丁会会士 |
Southern Adventist University
Everest College-San Bernardino
University of Mount Union
Kenmore State High School
University for the Creative Arts
Chatham Christian Schools
New River Community College
Baker University
Remington College-Memphis Campus
University of Tennessee at Chattanooga
Aims Community College
McPherson College
Faith Christian Academy
Edison Community College
Piedmont College
University of Maryland,College Park
University of Missouri
Bemidji State University
Dominican Academy
The Art Institute of Philadelphia
Southern Adventist University
Everest College-San Bernardino
University of Mount Union
Kenmore State High School
University for the Creative Arts
Chatham Christian Schools
New River Community College
Baker University
Remington College-Memphis Campus
University of Tennessee at Chattanooga
Aims Community College
McPherson College
Faith Christian Academy
Edison Community College
Piedmont College
University of Maryland,College Park
University of Missouri
Bemidji State University
Dominican Academy
The Art Institute of Philadelphia
Southern Adventist University
Everest College-San Bernardino
University of Mount Union
Kenmore State High School
University for the Creative Arts
Chatham Christian Schools
New River Community College
Baker University
Remington College-Memphis Campus
University of Tennessee at Chattanooga
Aims Community College
McPherson College
Faith Christian Academy
Edison Community College
Piedmont College
University of Maryland,College Park
University of Missouri
Bemidji State University
Dominican Academy
The Art Institute of Philadelphia
Southern Adventist University
Everest College-San Bernardino
University of Mount Union
Kenmore State High School
University for the Creative Arts
Chatham Christian Schools
New River Community College
Baker University
Remington College-Memphis Campus
University of Tennessee at Chattanooga
Aims Community College
McPherson College
Faith Christian Academy
Edison Community College
Piedmont College
University of Maryland,College Park
University of Missouri
Bemidji State University
Dominican Academy
The Art Institute of Philadelphia
Southern Adventist University
Everest College-San Bernardino
University of Mount Union
Kenmore State High School
University for the Creative Arts
Chatham Christian Schools
New River Community College
Baker University
Remington College-Memphis Campus
University of Tennessee at Chattanooga
Aims Community College
McPherson College
Faith Christian Academy
Edison Community College
Piedmont College
University of Maryland,College Park
University of Missouri
Bemidji State University
Dominican Academy
The Art Institute of Philadelphia