自1933 年以来一直致力于教育学生在升入全国顶尖大学及生活方面取得成就。学校拥有优良的教育传统以及实践出真知的教学理念,并将该教学理念发扬光大,激励学生在课内外均取得进步,教学生拥有发散性、批判性、责任性的思维方式。学校强调更高层级的思考能力、解决问题的能力、沟通能力、领导力及决策能力的培养,以便让学生取得更好的成就,并在学习中获得快乐。学校施行小班教学,校内师生关系良好、个人关注度高、教学严谨、提倡课程创新与全面教育, 学校教职员工也很优秀,这些都是独立学校的特点。博学的教师们鼓励学生在学术、艺术、体育以及各项目中如高级杰作(Senior Masterwork)、跨界(Beyond Boundaries)、问题日(Issue Day)要勇于探索、发掘潜力。该校作为图森市的第一所,也是亚利桑那州南部唯一的K-12 年级私立独立制学校,为学生、老师和家长建立了一个温暖的大家庭。学校的历史性建筑完全适应21 世纪教育的需求,在学术、创造性和健身等方面给予师生优质的服务。学校拥有良好的教育平台,培养学生自信、好学、独立的优良品质。学校设施先进,有体育馆、剧院、英式足球场、棒球场、垒球场、田径场、网球场、图书馆、游泳池、温室等。
知名校友有:Kerry Strug, 1995 年毕业,奥林匹克金牌体操运动员;Mark Poirier,1986 年毕业,作家、电影剧本作者、哈佛大学教师;Michael Elliott, 1988 年毕业,阿默斯特学院教务长;Joshua Polacheck, 1998 年毕业,美国驻牙买加使馆国际事务部任职;Blake Masters, 2004年毕业,销量最佳作家,企业家;Quinto Ott, 2004 年毕业,百老汇音乐剧院演员。
Avondale College
Shawnigan Lake School
American Advanced Technicians Institute Corporation
Eastern Maine Community College
Cathedral High School
Neosho County Community College
Marymount College
Whitworth University
Vatterott College - Spring Valley Campus
Bellevue University
Reed College
East Mississippi Community College
Whitman College
Dakota Wesleyan University
San Francisco Art Institute (San Francisco)
Charles Wright Academy
Trinity Lutheran College
Wentworth Institute of Technology
The Ohio State University,Columbus
Victor Valley College
Avondale College
Shawnigan Lake School
American Advanced Technicians Institute Corporation
Eastern Maine Community College
Cathedral High School
Neosho County Community College
Marymount College
Whitworth University
Vatterott College - Spring Valley Campus
Bellevue University
Reed College
East Mississippi Community College
Whitman College
Dakota Wesleyan University
San Francisco Art Institute (San Francisco)
Charles Wright Academy
Trinity Lutheran College
Wentworth Institute of Technology
The Ohio State University,Columbus
Victor Valley College
Avondale College
Shawnigan Lake School
American Advanced Technicians Institute Corporation
Eastern Maine Community College
Cathedral High School
Neosho County Community College
Marymount College
Whitworth University
Vatterott College - Spring Valley Campus
Bellevue University
Reed College
East Mississippi Community College
Whitman College
Dakota Wesleyan University
San Francisco Art Institute (San Francisco)
Charles Wright Academy
Trinity Lutheran College
Wentworth Institute of Technology
The Ohio State University,Columbus
Victor Valley College
Avondale College
Shawnigan Lake School
American Advanced Technicians Institute Corporation
Eastern Maine Community College
Cathedral High School
Neosho County Community College
Marymount College
Whitworth University
Vatterott College - Spring Valley Campus
Bellevue University
Reed College
East Mississippi Community College
Whitman College
Dakota Wesleyan University
San Francisco Art Institute (San Francisco)
Charles Wright Academy
Trinity Lutheran College
Wentworth Institute of Technology
The Ohio State University,Columbus
Victor Valley College
Avondale College
Shawnigan Lake School
American Advanced Technicians Institute Corporation
Eastern Maine Community College
Cathedral High School
Neosho County Community College
Marymount College
Whitworth University
Vatterott College - Spring Valley Campus
Bellevue University
Reed College
East Mississippi Community College
Whitman College
Dakota Wesleyan University
San Francisco Art Institute (San Francisco)
Charles Wright Academy
Trinity Lutheran College
Wentworth Institute of Technology
The Ohio State University,Columbus
Victor Valley College