加尔维斯敦学院(加尔维斯敦)是一所开展全方位教育的社区学院。 加尔维斯敦学院(加尔维斯敦)创办于1967年。
经相关部门的核准、授权,加尔维斯敦学院(加尔维斯敦)可以颁发相应专业领域的资格证书以及学位证书。加尔维斯敦学院(加尔维斯敦)开设的课程众多,主要包括会计学、生物技术、计算机科学技术、微机计算机应用与网络技术、刑事司法、烹饪技术、烹饪与餐饮管理、紧急医疗服务、酒店管理、旅游管理、管理通论、临床护理、办公行政管理、医务秘书、医务助理、静脉切开术、运动机能学、应用辐射学、医疗辐射技术、乳房X线照相术、计算机体层摄影术、核磁共振成像技术、放射性治疗技术、外科手术技术等。自办学以来, 加尔维斯敦学院(加尔维斯敦)利用自身的职业技术教育教学资源为美国社会培养了一大批优秀的应用人才,满足了社会的需求。
Avondale College
Shawnigan Lake School
American Advanced Technicians Institute Corporation
Eastern Maine Community College
Cathedral High School
Neosho County Community College
Marymount College
Whitworth University
Vatterott College - Spring Valley Campus
Bellevue University
Reed College
East Mississippi Community College
Whitman College
Dakota Wesleyan University
San Francisco Art Institute (San Francisco)
Charles Wright Academy
Trinity Lutheran College
Wentworth Institute of Technology
The Ohio State University,Columbus
Victor Valley College
Avondale College
Shawnigan Lake School
American Advanced Technicians Institute Corporation
Eastern Maine Community College
Cathedral High School
Neosho County Community College
Marymount College
Whitworth University
Vatterott College - Spring Valley Campus
Bellevue University
Reed College
East Mississippi Community College
Whitman College
Dakota Wesleyan University
San Francisco Art Institute (San Francisco)
Charles Wright Academy
Trinity Lutheran College
Wentworth Institute of Technology
The Ohio State University,Columbus
Victor Valley College
年均学费3035 美金
Avondale College
Shawnigan Lake School
American Advanced Technicians Institute Corporation
Eastern Maine Community College
Cathedral High School
Neosho County Community College
Marymount College
Whitworth University
Vatterott College - Spring Valley Campus
Bellevue University
Reed College
East Mississippi Community College
Whitman College
Dakota Wesleyan University
San Francisco Art Institute (San Francisco)
Charles Wright Academy
Trinity Lutheran College
Wentworth Institute of Technology
The Ohio State University,Columbus
Victor Valley College
Avondale College
Shawnigan Lake School
American Advanced Technicians Institute Corporation
Eastern Maine Community College
Cathedral High School
Neosho County Community College
Marymount College
Whitworth University
Vatterott College - Spring Valley Campus
Bellevue University
Reed College
East Mississippi Community College
Whitman College
Dakota Wesleyan University
San Francisco Art Institute (San Francisco)
Charles Wright Academy
Trinity Lutheran College
Wentworth Institute of Technology
The Ohio State University,Columbus
Victor Valley College
Avondale College
Shawnigan Lake School
American Advanced Technicians Institute Corporation
Eastern Maine Community College
Cathedral High School
Neosho County Community College
Marymount College
Whitworth University
Vatterott College - Spring Valley Campus
Bellevue University
Reed College
East Mississippi Community College
Whitman College
Dakota Wesleyan University
San Francisco Art Institute (San Francisco)
Charles Wright Academy
Trinity Lutheran College
Wentworth Institute of Technology
The Ohio State University,Columbus
Victor Valley College